
domingo, marzo 21, 2021

Diana Cooper - What is a Seraphim? - March 21, 2021

What is a Seraphim?

The seraphim, whose essence is pure love, are the highest of the spiritual hierarchy of angels. They surround the Godhead and create the harmonics, which hold the vibration of Creation, then direct the energy from Source. They do not normally interact with humans except to move big projects forward for the ascension of the planet. We have been very privileged in writing the Orbs books that various Seraphim have communicated through us several times.

Seraphina, whose great crystal ball is to the right beyond your Stellar Gateway chakra as you look up told us that they had done so because spreading the light of the Orbs is considered most important. Seraphina, a feminine energy, is helping to draw humanity to ascension. Seraphisa, a feminine energy, is helping to relax and de-stress humanity so that we can connect with our hearts. This will help people find compassion. Source specifically directed her to do this work.

Seraphiel, a masculine energy, works to keep the universe in order. Because the current low consciousness on Earth is holding back the divine plan he is focussing his attention on us. He is especially trying to influence those who are influential and could accelerate change.

Most people on Earth have some mental limitations and this Orb can bring a higher and broader perspective.