
viernes, febrero 12, 2021

Sandra Walter - We are about to witness the effects of the current magnetic and solar adjustments on our lightbodies - Feb 12, 2021

We are about to witness the effects of the current magnetic and solar adjustments on our lightbodies.

Latest week’s article Dismantling, Magnetics, Quantum Shifts and Freedom Codes described the WHY behind the collective loss, vertigo and tired-and-wired sensations.

These quantum shifts, jumps, and magnetic reality-changing events are consistent this year. A unique Stargate is opening next week to amplify revelation of the Divine HUman; the true narrative of our Now realities.

This is a consistent leveling up in 2021. The quantum effects mentioned last week apply across the realms; keep that guidance in heart as you experience the personal inner shifts as well as the external unfoldments.

As we are a collective of Gaia guardians, Gatekeepers and Crystalline Gridworkers, we unify for this influx. February 13-19 includes Solar, Schumann and geomagnetic activity. Gates are open, use them wisely ~ AMPLIFY Freedom and revelation codes in this Now.

New Earth Consciousness IS as New Earth Consciousness Does. Embrace #Unity and Co-creation Now.


Because #Ascension