
miércoles, febrero 17, 2021

Natalia Alba - We are in unprecedented times in our human history - Feb 17, 2021

Beloved Ones,

We are in unprecedented times in our human history. We are immersed in so many energies, the most influential ones, not being precisely from within our dimension, as they are sixth dimensional frequencies, that are helping us all in liberating ourselves from oppressors. At the moment, and especially in this day, some of these benevolent energies, and within our Universe, are the ones coming from the square between Saturn and Uranus, one that was previously introduced by the Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter on December 21, 2020.

Together with the square we also have the Sun entering into Pisces, tomorrow, the realm of magic and intuition, where we dwell into the depths of our being for a while, searching restoration and healing. We are indeed in an ongoing process to retrieve freedom and the expansion that as limitless beings we all deserve, for the is a massive manipulation to restrict personal expression, at the moment.

The fact that these two mighty Forces - Saturn and Uranus - choose to align together three time during this year 2021 is no coincidence, for they also represent in the macro the transformation experienced in the collective, one that will continue during the next years, as in truth this collective liberation process is not a one-day one. We are living what many of us have talked about, in a more mental level, for years now, as the subsequent manifestation of the massive awakening that has been happening in our Planet.

Uranus, brings change, and the push we all need to finally disengage from the old - removing all that is not longer in resonance with who we truly are. Uranus, in the Fxied sign of Taurus, however, is the liberator of the masses, which is a process that we are all envisioning in the collective and that will continue for the following years. We All, as One Family, as well as human species, have a moment in which we must awake from the darkness and begin the movement into what we truly are - Light - and this movement may be delayed, but it can never be oppressed.

On the opposite, Saturn in Aquarius, in the sign of freedom, makes real what we have transformed during the previous year - the new foundations and organization that we desire to create for our new lives. Ones that are only based on our own ways of living. One based on new values, ones that are coming from a free space of unconditional love to All, rather than from an egoic one who only wants personal satisfaction and constant reward. Saturn represents a new opportunity to rebuild our new reality.

Lastly, Jupiter, which is also another force that is very much connected to all that we are experiencing at the moment, and even more as it dwells in Aquarius, is also helping those who wish to expand, from within to without, in their new chosen realities, as this change, and subsequent revolution, begins always from within, as it is the only way to become aware and shift the outside.

All of us together have been able to liberate ourselves from oppressors, beginning from our own one, as many times it is a process of simply remembering who we are, more than other outer forces trying to impede our evolution, as no one else in truth can enter into our inner space and command it, but ourselves. This is why it is so important to free ourselves from our own mental slavery, so we can begin experiencing the mental, and hence, physical expansion that comes with this awakening process.

Align, if this is your personal will, with these Forces, with their consciousness and essence, for they are living organisms as well as we all are, to release old habits, realize your beauty and unique abilities, as well as to continue expanding on them. For this is a unique moment for all who desire to continue awakening their many abilities and work of soul mission embodiment.

Release, release anything that is not the authentic You and that have been covering your Divinity through eons of feminine repression, masculine distortion, and above all, feelings of unworthiness, for you came here to remember and to expand, not to diminish the unique Divine Spark that you are and that shall be seeded.

During these days, many will be experiencing a massive awakening, body activations, and many other physical sensations that come when our bodies are in the process of constant releasement and integration, for this is what these current energies are triggering, as we too choose to co-create with them.

Humanity is indeed, as One Soul, a group consciousness, choosing to liberate themselves, which is why we are seeing more laws that impede us to freely act, for the more we continue our path to become sovereign beings, the more that they will too continue creating the opposite, for as part of our human plane, we all shall experience duality, and hence, both forces fulfill their purpose. Our task is to decide in what side we desire to play.

We are heading into a new cycle in which we all have begun to remember what unity consciousness feel like. It is a process that not only is taking place within but without in the macro, as our planet is moving into a space in which there is no more linearity, which is also represented by Saturn in Aquarius at this time.

A change that comes when species are ready to make their transition from a lower state of consciousness into a more illumined one, which is why it occurs very rarely, as time is required until we are able to awake, remember our true nature and step into a more conscious state of being.

We begin now a new harmonic era in which we pass from being controlled and programmed to act in certain fix ways, some that many have been fighting to release, to take responsibility for our own lives, freeing ourselves from old burdens, programs and matrix, and beginning to create our own rules, ones that only govern ourselves and personal reality, for we can never control others or create for them.

This is a cycle in which since the past year 2020, we are creating the new foundations that will sustain our new reality. 2020 has been a challenging year. However, within it we had infinite possibilities to create anew, which is what many have not been totally able to see, as it is within what we see as chaotic that we can search the new seeds and plant them in our new chosen reality.

We have left a year of deep transformation at all levels. However, we have begun a new one, as its universal five frequency reminds us, that is the continuation of the change that we have been previously established. This is a time for us to focus on the process of self-liberation, expression, and heart opening, for it is by embracing ourselves and personal abilities first that we begin the process of conscious co-creation, creating our own abundance and jobs, something that many are beginning to question and pursue.

This is our opportunity to remember, to grow in love and to expand in it. Every single day we are given the moment in which we can choose to regain consciousness of who we are and step into this endless evolutionary journey, of conscious integration and personal remembrance, or not at all.

There are many who will still choose to remain in limitation, negating their own power for creation. For they will still need to learn something from experiencing this reality. Others, will be ready to give this step and enter into a conscious reality.

The process always begins within, when we are ready, and the choice for us to grow in love or choose differently, like I always say, is always ours to make too.

What will you choose to create now? A limitless and harmonic reality? Or the continuation of an obsolete one?

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
