
miércoles, febrero 10, 2021

Judith Kusel - Crucial – yet filled with so much Love, Joy and Opportunity - Feb 10, 2021

Crucial – yet filled with so much Love, Joy and Opportunity

We are truly now collectively at a crossroad, where we can either fully step into the New Earth and thus co-create something totally new, in much higher dimensional state, with love and within unity and harmony, as we assume our new and much higher Light-body form or stay in the Old Earth and repeat the same old dramas and stories all over again, until all just dissolves into no-thingness.

I was asked this morning during my early morning quiet time, to start to truly step out of all old thinking, old concepts of what life will be in the next few months and years. To allow myself to be creatively stretched – to start creating out of the box (so to speak) and know that first I need to totally allow myself to step into the Unknown, the Unchartered and when I do this, the creative aspect will flow, the guidance come and thus now co-create in the highest levels, a much higher dimensional frequency life for myself and all of humanity.

I have a dream, a vision and calling which is greater than the sum of self, as I closed my eyes and asked for pictures to come, I had tears flowing down my cheeks. I saw my visions, manifested into form and being, in beautiful details, and it was indeed a much higher frequency creation, way beyond what I can try to be sharing with you.

It is then that I understood: small thinking is not going to help now.

We need in the next few weeks and months, keep things remarkably simple while we navigate the immense changes now, and we step ever higher into the New Earth and thus new ways of manifesting in the unknown and unchartered and in much superior and higher frequency bands. It may seem like something straight out of science fiction book or movie – and yet even stranger still, but deep down your soul will remember, for you soul has indeed lived this elsewhere in the Universe and thus now needs to remember to manifest, create and become!

What an immensely powerful and exiting time this is.

Indeed, I was told to totally step into a much higher state, where nothing is impossible and where indeed, all simply flows from one creative source into form and being, effortlessly!


My heart and soul are taking wings and flying – into the New Earth, and indeed into the unknown with joy, wishing to co-create such exquisite beauty, harmony and form which is way beyond anything ever experienced in the Old Earth before! And indeed, when one is being Raised up, the heart and soul does take flight, and indeed, expands into the infinite possibilities, infinite space, and infinite manifestation, beyond the beyond of what we ever knew or believed possible!

Judith Kusel


Photo Credit: Jonathan Solter, The Vienna Academy of of Visionary Art.