
martes, febrero 02, 2021

Celia Fenn - 2/2 Aquarius Gate Portal - Feb 2, 2021

2/2 Aquarius Gate Portal.

The Aquarius Gate is an annual portal that allows us to activate consciousness and shift timelines as we grow and evolve with the transits of the Earth.

Today we are reaching deep and re-connecting with the Sacred Christ Consciousness that will lift us up and through the Aquarius Gate.

As the Elohim Angels watch over us, and as the Royal Lions support our individual journey, the Light Council of the Royal Star Formalhaut also guides our passage through the incoming Light Codes.

The Energies are Love, Peace, Compassion, Kindness, Beauty, Strength and Courage.

We are releasing the old energies of aggression and anger and fear. These belong to a past that was out of balance with itself.

As we return to balance we reactivate the path of the Pure and Shining Ones.

Firm in our integrity and clarity, becoming a Light for the World.

Have a beautiful and peaceful day everyone!

Flower of Life and Ruby Heart images by Huong Nguyen