
viernes, enero 08, 2021

Celia Fenn - .January will continue to be a turbulent month that will offer many surprises - Jan 8, 2021

Dear Friends...January will continue to be a turbulent month that will offer many surprises.

2021 will be much the same.

2021 is a Bridge year...from the Old Energy to the beginning of the next super cycle of 2 000 years called the Age of Aquarius.

As we put our foot on the bridge to move forward, we are still surrounded by the effects and echoes of the old.

So January will offer us an opportunity to complete old issues and do a final release.

By mid year we will be half way across the bridge, and by the Lions Gate in August we will be approaching the other side and we will begin to discern the shapes of our new lives.

So, for now we need to be patient and allow the old to fall apart and disintegrate.

This is not easy.

It demands of us that we draw on all that we have learnt and mastered in recent years regarding our shadow, projection and staying in the Sacred Heart of the Unified Field.

When we understand that there is no "us" and "them" and that what triggers us is simply an aspect of our own (collective) and shadowy energy.

Then we can move into the Heart and begin to see with Love and Compassion and a feeling of the "Oneness" at the Heart of All Things.

This will become easier in the course of the year as the Aquarian energy becomes more tangible and we begin to see what our path will be.

Remember, that at this time there are several timelines/dimensions running at the same time in the same space. We are. choosing where to go and what to manifest and we need to have a very clear idea of what resonates with our Heart and Soul, and to follow that.

Stay calm, dearest friends, stay in your Heart space and keep focussed on what you are creating.

You are Loved and you are Supported by the Angelic Realms and by Archangel Michael, as well as the Galactic Families. The "Bigger Picture" promises a Golden Age of Peace once the old is gone and the New arises.

Love and Peace to All...especially my friends in the USA at this time.