
domingo, diciembre 27, 2020

L’Aura Pleiadian - FULL MOON December 29th, 2020 ~ Powerful SHIFTS - Dec 27, 2020

Still shifting through the Newness and profound SHIFTS of the Solstice and the consciousness shifts of Jupiter and Saturn both entering Aquarius, we now have a continuation of that newness and the newness that started on the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on December 14th, 2020.

This Full Moon in Cancer has a powerful beneficial impact (of course impacting each being uniquely based on the blueprint) in frequency adding exciting NEW frequencies and ways of being, to the already NOW NEWNESS.

The Full Moon in Cancer is on Tuesday December 29th, 2020 at 11:28pm AST. This FULL. MOON in Cancer may feel like an emotional Full Moon as most Full Moons do.

The Full Moon sextile Uranus is a beneficial burst of energy and frequencies as I mentioned in the beginning of this writing ADDING TO the already NEWNESS of what has begun to shift through YOU.

This newness since the New Moon will continue with this FULL MOON leading up to the First New Moon of 2021 ~ January 10th, 2021.

Several aspects of energy shifts are impacting this SHIFT. Firstly the New Moon and Solar Eclipse cycle playing out. The Solstice and powerful already shift of newness and the RETURN to greater LIGHT. And then the powerful 200 year beginning of the journey with Aquarius playing out through you. With the Great Conjunction impacting everyone uniquely as the journey ahead begins the 200 year sojourn of JUPITER and SATURN in Aquarius.

There is a lifting of heavier energies on the most part. Again interacting with your unique level of awareness, your Soul Blueprint and the plan you created before incarnating.

So trust the playing out through you.

Trust whatever is going on and as YOU be PRESENT more and more NOW and enter your HEART more and more NOW, you will observe the magic of BEING, being all that you have ever desired.

The playing out through form and the leading up to the desired mystical UNION is just as significant as the arrival. It then is only BEING.

As you flow more and more into this NEWNESS you activate more and more your greater eternal being, that is your ASCENSION and enlightened awareness. That this becomes through you ALL that you are NOW. In holy majestic love, forever.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)