
domingo, noviembre 15, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Seeing Through Your Higher Heart-Mind-Soul-Light and Seeing with Your Human Eyes are Completely "Opposite" Realities for Awhile...- Nov 15, 2020

Your Pure Heart SOUL SEES all differently than your human heart, human eyes and human mind does/did....

Part of NEW Earth Consciousness/5D-12D Embodiment Realms/Existence (words don't matter, energy does) is a raising/expanding of our own States of Consciousness to SEE that which was not visible to us before. This "seeing" isn't as the human aspect perceives. It's first learning to listen to your body (body's consciousness) and how it communicates/speaks to/with you.

3D is what I refer to as old earth, as it's an Individual and Collective Consciousness, rather than "the physical" as human aspects perceive. 3D has a physical reality and experience that matches the Consciousness, yet operates at a 3rd Dimensional Level of Consciousnesses which FOCUSES ON THE PHYSICAL/PHYSICAL THINGS...

To understand this means shifting perspectives and how we view/see/perceive all.

4D is where each's heart starts to open and perceptions of "reality" start to shift. This is what many refer to as "awakening", yet this too is "just the beginning" for each/all. This is where external focus is heightened, where emotions are heightened, where confusion starts to enter in, where the "battle inside between each's head and heart" increases to a point of "breaking" down/through the ENERGY of unconscious programming. These breaking points are necessary to shift out of old ways, as the ego aspect often won't let go any other way. There is a much easier way to do this, through intentionally opening our hearts more to come to softness, kindness, compassion and releasing the resistance to that which does not conform, make logical sense and isn't yet "visible" as perceived by each human aspect's mind.

Being Present allows each to observe their own body's consciousness/energy and consciously choose to dissolve any discordant (out of harmony) energies that surface from within. 

To understand how every reality is encoded and how all works means to expand beyond every belief system we all once had. It means opening our hearts so completely wide open that our minds are no longer in charge/in the way/trying to run the show/holding on to anything.... at all....

When all dissolves into nothingness, when all comes to silence and pure peace, when everything is allowed to fall completely away, new birth, new energy, new awareness, new visions, newness can come forth and be felt for more Light to emerge from deep within...

A reversal of polarity is a reversal of polarizing ENERGY.... which means shifting focus off of everything "outside" to "in". By shifting focus, we work from the inside out, which is the opposite of the way 3D/Old Earth lived. This means shifting where we all function from. Completely. Therefore, shifting our ENTIRE REALITY as we do....


Exercise/Practice (NEW Way of Functioning for awhile):
  • At first you close your eyes to feel and see...
  • You close your eyes to intentionally create a disconnect between your linear mind, your human eyes and the outside/external reality-world...
  • You close your eyes to in order to establish a deeper INNER connection that allows you to tune into your entire body/BEing/ENERGY/CONSCIOUSNESS...
  • You close your eyes to FEEL what your thinking mind isn't capable of...
  • You close your eyes to tune into the subtleties (or screaming) that's going on inside of you.
  • You close your eyes to disconnect linear vision, linear thinking and go deeper inside to allow your body to fully relax, as full ego-body surrender is necessary for achieving a much higher state of consciousness than before...
  • You close your eyes to disconnect, so that you can expand to observe, see and discern... which is a huge process for awhile, because you are shifting where you "SEE" from.... and Learning (Remembering) a whole new way of functioning, BEing and understanding everything differently than "before"...
  • You close your eyes to hear....
  • You close your eyes to hear/feel/see your own Pure-Heart-Consciousness that opens up access to everything...
  • Sit with this for a moment.... and feel what this means/says to you....

You "tune" out of "one reality" (external/linear mind) and "tune in" to a completely different one (Energetic). This is what I refer to as "intentional flipping" (there are other ways we do this too). YOU flip-shift your entire reality yourself.

There are many ways to TUNE. Tune your body, tune your BEing, Tune your Consciousnesses, Tune your Body/Field, Tune/Tweak and completely re-align all within your own reality (field of Consciousness) to a completely different frequency/reality/timeline/bandwidth/energy... whatever words you want to use...

Tune yourself... tune TO your Universe (an expanded version of you). Tune to much higher states of Consciousness, Tune to different frequencies/sounds, Tune to different timelines and "future" realities as human aspects perceive. These are only perceived as "future" because of how the human mind plays out the perception/separation of "linearity" which equals "time", when in essence all is just a different vibrational moment experienced from within this every "now".

The space you occupy is yours. Your Field of Consciousness. It can be a beautifully TUNED Symphonic Harmony that exists through Purity and Love.... a UNIFIED FIELD of ONEness or it can be chaotic, crazy, discombobulated, convoluted and distorted.... and only you have the POWER TO SHIFT THIS...

If you give your power away, if you disconnect from deep within where your SOUL EXISTS as PURE DIVINE AND SACRED BEAUTIFUL LIGHT, then your entire body/field shifts too and your entire reality shifts to match this. When you pull completely away, learn to go deeper inside of you, learn to STOP all that is not of the highest in your own reality/field, then you can start to shift everything yourself.... from the inside out.

You EMANATE OUT PURE LIGHT and this touches the hearts and souls of all. THIS ACTIVATES THE LIGHT INSIDE OF ALL OTHERS and inspires all others to bring their Light forth too.

When you LIVE AS PURE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS LIGHT, you understand that you are the SOURCE of all CREATION... from this very moment now. That all is "created" energetically by you... and "goes out" into the perceived ethers (Quantum Field) to "activate" a reality/experience to come forth, which is what humans call "the future"...which is just another new version of this now.

When you LIVE your fullness, when you LIVE YOUR LIGHT, when you SHARE YOUR LIGHT, YOUR BEAUTY, you support/inspire all others to do this too.... ♥

NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS is something we LIVE and ARE... not the words we use. Our words are ENERGY encoded with Pure LOVE... and our expression is this too.

NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS is how all shifts to align with our beloved Gaia/Universally and all the other dimensions available from this space/now.

Frequency bandwidths that are more beautiful, softer, kinder and supportive are available to all from deep inside by expanding through Pure-Heart-Soul-Connected-Consciousness from the inside out. 

NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS is experienced through our own Unified and Expanded States.


Y/our Higher Heart has an inner-eye (pineal gland), that starts to open bit by bit with every activation of Light, every shedding of the old, every experience of wide-open-heart-expansion as each start to learn to utilize "this eye" (higher heart vision) to see what was not visible before. There will be immense phases of working through each's own distortions (for years and years and years) as the whole human experience of separation must be transcended and purged/cleared on a cellular memory level (akash) from deep within.

This is done THROUGH each's own LightBody-DNA-Field and through continual Purification Processes that present through very different phases, which allow each to gain more access to see more than was accessible before.

Through each's Crystalline LightBody-DNA-Field, each gains expanded capabilities to envision/see infinite "new" (much higher dimensional realities) that already exist. Through Living Purity, "higher love" (if you will) and Higher-Service Role(s) fulfillment AS Light, each is able to accomplish all of those realities through immense anchoring, integration and embodiment processes and phases here.

Through each's Plasma Crystalline LightBody-DNA-Field, each's capabilities are increased even more. Living as a LIGHT BEING, the ability to create through form, bring into form and call forth that which already IS... is a simple, Quantum, natural and organic part of every-moment/every day existence.

With early phases relative to the carbon-based-human body, there are immense de-calcification/detox processes and immense purification processes that must occur in preparation for Ascension of Consciousness and then Physical Body Ascension to eventually occur. Over the course of years, the body is going through an immense DNA/CELLULAR re-writing, re-coding, re-calibrating and reconfiguration processes that then re-configure within each's entire body-field. Because all has to be built upon all new Light Codes and Sequences, this process occurs over much human linear perception of time. While the human aspect is unaware of all of the "hows" in which all occurs, this does not negate that it's still happening and often only visible through the understanding of how Photonic LightBodies and Quantum Fields work. Quantum Mechanics and Dynamics are taken into account and how all is relative/correlates changes everything as well.

LIGHTBODY DNA PROCESSES activate immense carbon-based to crystalline (and plasma) phases that are a part of a never-ending Photonic LightBody DNA/Light BEing evolutionary process relative to Quantum States of Consciousness that unlock infinite holographic dimensions/realities that all co-exist simultaneously and eventually merge into ONE REALITY through Unification Processes that occur from deep within.

The LIGHTBODY is our Soul Body (which is Pure Light). Our Pineal Gland is our Soul's Eye. ♥

Each's wide open pineal gland (Soul's Eye) "acts" as a "projector beam" and opens up a whole new world of infinite possibilities, potentials and "realities" to come forth. For human aspects, when their human eyes are open, there is a disconnect inside that occurs, which creates a disconnection from the entire Quantum/Unified Field.

As a Light BEing, our LightBody ILLUMINATES ALL AS PURE LIGHT from the inside out. ☼

Quantum Vision allows for simultaneous observation of what is perceived as the physical AND infinite holographic "screens" and "versions of realities" that present through an "overlay" of multiple dimensions and "realities" that all exist simultaneously as ONE. This allows for each to function from the vast "expanded version" (much bigger picture) that encapsulates all.

When each's Light is diminished or nil, then vision is diminished and nil as well. As each builds their own Lightbody and opens up access again TO REMEMBER ALL AS PURE LIGHT, then what once was reality is no longer and all new realities replace those.

Through our LIGHTBODY we are able to expand, Energetically See and EXPERIENCE all Multi-Dimensionally. This access is how we choose the dimension/frequency bandwidth we desire to experience as our own reality, making it easier for all to co-exist as Light. The ability to OBSERVE ALL through immense Photonics changes everything. This allows us to anchor, unlock Quantum Light Codes and apply these "New Quantum Coordinates" to every aspect of our Lives. By doing so, we are able to energetically align to all new Multi-Dimensional "realities" with greater ease.

By uniting, we can expand together, we can share and shift all together, we can accomplish all with great ease and live the magnificence of Heaven/the Higher Realms/NEW Earth (whatever words each wants to use) from within our own reality fully... because we no longer desire, re-create or allow egoic distortions to play out.

Multi-Dimensional/Quantum/Simultaneous Existence Experienced through our LIGHT Bodies:

Each's own Expanded Light provides enhanced vision to see and experience all simultaneously and as ONE. It's like wearing virtual reality goggles, yet without the goggles. It's an organic, intentional harmonization of one's Entire Body and Field through Photonic Light Frequencies that shift the vibration/energy of all.

There is a merging/blending process of the human eyes and each's Soul's Eye through immense activations and evolving crystals (as part of the each's crystalline structure) that occurs throughout the entire physical body.

Quantum Expansive Consciousness takes every dimension into account, every reality into account, every version and everything visible both on a physical level and an energetic one.

While the human eyes can only see the physical as reality, each's Unified Vision is the merging of all 3 Eyes into ONE Operating System. This enhanced vision is able to see ALL AS ONE, which assists each with intentionally expanding beyond in order to dissolve/resolve limiting mindsets, judgments, separation programming and behavior in order to shift all THROUGH PURE CONSCIOUSNESS LIGHT. 

Light BEings live and co-exist completely differently than "human beings" do. This is due to how our LightBody-Fields work and how vibrational realities work on a Quantum/Energetic level as well.

Quantum Vision expands everyone's capability to see and understand from wayyyyyyyy beyond "the physical" and on a whole new energetic level of how all realities come to occur/exist/BE.

Living Expanded Unified Heart-Mind Consciousness fully is the application of Light Intelligence/Knowledge/Wisdom/Vision/Awareness and "encoded realities" that are visible through observing the entire Field of all Consciousnesses, various vibrational frequencies, energies and the ability to basically see all realities that already exist, the current one that presents, as well as infinite possibilities and potentials that present all new options for everyone to choose. By observing infinite realities simultaneously from a vastly expanded Multi-Dimensional Quantum Space and through Multi-Frequency Bandwidths, each can consciously choose to do that which is highest aligned and forgo all of the "lessons"/"karmic"/unconscious experiences that were a result of previous transmissions and projections relative to different levels of unconsciousness.

Each can simply tune their entire BEing through Pure Presence to a whole new Light frequency bandwidth and then utilizing Inner-Soul-Light-Vision start to fully honor, support and allow for the necessary Lightbody DNA Re-Codings/re-writes/re-calibration processes to complete. There are Quantum Convergence processes that occur with every entire body-field template re-write. These electro-magnetic re-balancing processes take an immense amount of patience, full-ego-body-surrender and supporting/honoring that which naturally occurs through the integration of Photonic Light. ☼

Living Pure Divine Harmony (Harmonics), Pure Inner Peace, Pure Divine Light Alignment, Pure Sacred Divine Connection and Sacred Trust.... is a way of BEing and Living through Pure Presence that replaces the old energies emanating from illusory fears, separation games and inner struggle realities of the polarized dualistic field.

The LENS you view through will determine how you see and what dimension/reality/experience that you call forth/receive/have too. Ego-separation or Higher Self/Soul/Pure Light/Love.... ♥

Each's carbon-based-atomic-body held immense programming and density within the template/gridding structures and all of this has to be constantly and completely reworked. This is a part of immense LightBody DNA re-configuration processes that accelerate progressionally through various LightBody Stages that constantly build through Light Fragments Unified in new genetic and geometric sequences that re-define what all once thought/believed "reality" to be.

There are 12 Dimensions that can be Embodied through merging Infinite Levels of Consciousness providing various coding sequences correlating to way cool Light Technology capabilities held by each. These 12 Dimensions operate at different oscillatory rates correlating to different vibrational Cosmic Ray Frequency Bandwidths.


Living Your Most Expanded and highest versions/aspects of you is "how" you do all.... your lowest version is your unconscious ego aspect that's unaware of this/all. It's this way for all of us. Living NEW Earth Consciousness/REALities, we do not live from our ego-separation anymore. Yes, we have programming and an ego aspect that represents separation, yet we see it and understand it as the un-evolved child that it is and we immediately dissolve/resolve/unify this within ourselves. The ego-child aspect functions from "not enough love", a wounded psyche, illusions of separation, immense conditioning/programming and mentalities/energies that separate all. To merge means to transcend the hurt, betrayal, wounded stories and shift to a place of accepting all as it has occurred, then looking at the current moment/energies and DECIDING where to go from here. DECIDING what's highest aligned and DECIDING THAT ONLY LIGHT is the acceptable way and then LIVING THIS FULLY as our "new"/only way.

These new realities emanate from our own Pure Light Beauty and Magic that we've opened up access to from deep within. They offer infinite possibilities, infinite abundance, infinite options to choose from..... which is where Conscious Choice and Divine Will come in.

The human aspect will not choose this "first", because it's "go to" is fear, separation, lack of connection/trust and is full of "doubt". It doesn't want to "let go" and holds on out of fear, immense protection mechanisms and limited vision/perceptions still.... because there is no sure footing at first, as the foundation for all new realities has not yet been created/formed/built.

We each came here to transcend our own ego separation (a facade) fully and merge into ONEness within ourselves. To live this is "ground shaking" for awhile. To live this is "earth shattering" at first, as it goes against everything the human ego believes, wants and tries to keep re-creating out of illusory fears and beliefs.

Each must CHOOSE LIGHT, otherwise they are unconsciously choosing the alternative to this, which just means separation, suffering and immense "karmic" timelines (to learn from/clear). I only use "karmic" to describe and lend to an understanding that's easier for some. Technically that word is limited too, yet it makes a point and the "point" is what matters here.

Human aspects use words that are fixed, bind, limit and create judgment ... so words limit everything, as each will perceive completely differently and relative to what's going on inside of each.

Everything is ENERGY/ENERGETIC, so tune into the ENERGY and expand beyond your own judgment, fears, stuff... to see more than your human aspect once could see.... Use your entire body to feel-see-hear... use your entire BEing to feel-see-decipher, using a whole new way of PROCESSING INFORMATION... as your Light Self, as your brilliant Light BEing aspect, as your own Higher version/aspect of you...

Observe... just hear-see-feel... and let go of all of the pre-conceived notions, all of the pre-judgments, all of the self-imposed mentalities/beliefs... just SEE.

Now go deeper (higher/more expansive) and open completely UP to "see" what options you have, see all of the possibilities and SEE what's currently highest aligned for you.... and honor everyone else in doing what's highest aligned for them/their own current reality/experience too.

You/WE/All have the ability to make a HUGE DIFFERENCE ---- AS PURE LIGHT. Yet we must hold this as who/what we are, we must hold this in how we live/act/show up, we must hold this fully, for the entire "external" to shift as a vibrational/energetic response to what we transmit/emanate out as Love. ♥

You can observe all without the personal judgments and just simply see.... ♫


When Light Unites, it's POWERFUL, beautiful, soft and pure magic in every way. There is a great ability to accomplish at a ridiculous (Quantum) rate, yet not like the old linear ways. Through our own Quantum States of Consciousness, our Physical LightBodies and Fields work differently and all is accomplished differently as well. Everything is always highest aligned for all. This will not look like any "old reality" or "ways".... as NEW Earth is Quantum and all functions on a Quantum Level as well. Old earth was linear and functioned from all kinds of separation in every way. Old Earth Consciousness/Realities and NEW Earth Consciousness/Realities are not the same, they do not function the same, nothing is like it was "before".

  • Old Earth Consciousness was being separate from ourselves/all and inner/outer division.
  • NEW Earth Consciousness is a Unified Existence held by each, which observes the energy of all, sees expansively "in new light" and THROUGH LIGHT (literally), having the ability to shift all completely "over" to an expansive reality/experience that supports, uplifts, empowers, inspires, respects and honors all as the Beauty, Divine Essence and Light that all are.

If you cannot see through your own Pure-Heart and Higher Mind Consciousness, you do not get a conscious choice and do not have the capability to shift to a completely different vibration/timeline/reality that is highest aligned for you/us/all.

After learning to hear-see-feel with your entire body/being/energy/field working in tandem with your Soul's Eye (pineal gland) through a state of openness and oneness, you will be able to see the holograms/holographic imprints/encodements/images/codes/coordinates for all new realities, much higher aligned (on a Soul Level) and start to make the necessary changes in your own life to energetically/vibrationally re-align all.

All realities are "done" from the inside out. At first, outside will not energetically match up. You will start to see all the division, all that isn't highest aligned, all that lacks compassion/care and Soul Integrity, all that is distorted which represents "the old, as well as all of the separation/programming as it exists. It will then be up to you to decide/see, as your own highest aspect/version of you, as the Pure Light BEing Soul that you ARE, what an energetically appropriate response/action is....


As an Embodied Light BEing you are able to energetically and vibrational re-align all through your own higher/highest states of Consciousness (Light), Purity and Unifying Love. Your personal reality/energetic "bubble", your experiences, your body's responses.... all yours to manage, master, shift and honor through a State of Remembrance and deep sacred connection from within.

Your reality is yours to re-create, re-write and Consciously ACTualize through your most expanded state of Consciousness and learning to refocus, reprioritize and simplify all as Love.

Your experience is all yours. A compilation of all of your existences, a compilation of all of your Consciousnesses and relative to where you currently function from.

This is a process, an immense one. A whole life process, so it doesn't matter "how long" you've been doing "all of this". That's a linear ego game too. It's the Level of Consciousness that you ACTually Embody/Function from and how you live your WHOLE LIFE, on every level and in every way.

Your Light Matters.... Your Consciousness matters and the dimension/frequency bandwidth of Consciousness you function from matters, how human you still are matters, as these things dictate the reality you get/receive/experience in every now moment..... and how you show up/participate/contribute and AFFECT all...

  • Ego binds to 3D Old Earth Experiences
  • The Light Aspect of Each's Soul lives NEW Earth Experiences ranging from 5D-12D+
  • The D = Density/Dimension = frequency bandwidth. Each LightBody Template Building Process/Phase correlates to these various dimensions/frequency bandwidths and how each's is able to process/integrate/hold different aspects of Photonic/Cosmic Light.

There is a Pure Source/Light Consciousness and a Body. They both have to come to Merge as ONE, which is a MASSIVE process in order to actually function simultaneously at the same vibrational frequency necessary to shift the whole body to a "new" (higher dimensional) experience, using words if you will.

We all can function from much higher states and show up as our highest aspects in our lives.

Be patient, be kind, be present and honor wherever you are with your own personal expansion/REMEMBERING journey of evolving back into Pure Light. ☼

Allow your Light to Lead the way, leading you/all into all new Realities built upon (and already existing as) Pure Source Consciousness Light. ☼

With love, respect and appreciation for your presence, contribution and just being you,

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼