
lunes, noviembre 02, 2020

Judith Kusel - Open your heart center and allow the inner wisdom of your soul to rise to the fore - Nov 2, 2020

Open your heart center and allow the inner wisdom of your soul to rise to the fore, for we are going into an intense week and period of quantum shifts, as the New Earth energies accelerate and we are moved beyond anything we ever witnessed before.

It is time to gain the Higher Perspective, the Quantum View, and to see through the Heart of Love.

This is not a time to gather in fear and mass hysteria.

This is a time to rise above it all, and allow yourself to be pulled ever higher into the higher frequency bands, where all is ONE.

It will seem in the next few days and weeks, and months, as if all is in immense turmoil, indeed chaotic. All will be churned up: all that which is there within humankind, which needs to be exposed, brought into the light and into wholeness and healing.

Indeed, this next wave upon wave is going to wake up souls like never before.

Rise above it.

Do not engage.

Do not allow yourself to be pulled back.

Stay in the heart and soul and allow the Divine to lift you and guide you through.

Things are going to hot up.

Allow it all, for we are now within the intense heat of the fires of purification.

Indeed, remember that the purest gold, is rock molten at very high temperatures.

Allow yourself to go through quantum shifts.

Allow yourself to totally reinvented.

Know that the infinite Power of Love will carry us through and is carrying us through.

Something so profound and unprecedented is now happening, as we will look back upon this time, as the great awakening, the great quantum and paradigm shifts into Unity and Wholeness, and indeed the New Golden Age.

It is here.

You can only navigate these shifts through the open heart center and not through the mind.

Remember this.

Love is the answer, and so is releasing all which you ever thought and believed was you, as you are stepping into the new Creation, which is the reborn and resurrected you!

Judith Kusel