
domingo, noviembre 01, 2020

Emmanuel Dagher - It's Our Turn - November 2020


The Gift of Intuition

One of the many gifts the Divine Feminine offers us is the gift of intuition.

Our intuition works closely with the right hemisphere of the brain and the higher heart, offering us insights that bypass the confines of logic and reason.

Intuition is our natural inner Knowing. It transcends mental intellect, and connects us to the wisdom of the heart. It is the voice of our Spirit.

Our intuition speaks to us constantly, whether the mind chooses to be aware of it or not. It is always guiding us in the direction of our highest path, and nudging us toward greater expansion, so we can live the greatest version of our life in this fast-changing reality.

During November, we will be given many opportunities to strengthen our intuitive gifts.  

All that is asked of us, is that we be mindful of being present often. This will allow us to be open and available to the insights and intuitive nudges that will help us gently move into the next phase of our personal and collective journey.

By having a strong connection to our intuition, we empower every aspect of our lives.

The more we listen to and honor our intuitive gifts, the more aligned we are to creating a life of fulfillment, joy, Love, peace, prosperity, freedom, and well-being.

The 11-11 Doorway

On November 11 we will move through an important and powerful energetic doorway of healing known as the 11-11 Doorway.

The 11-11 Doorway is always celebrated through the gathering of millions of empaths, way-showers and cosmically aligned soul family from all around the world, via synched-up meditations that focus on Oneness.

The 11-11 portal is humanity’s call to the Divine Feminine to heal the aspects of Masculine energy that have forgotten their Divinity. She will go deep into the heart and psyche of the Masculine (in both men and women) and bring nourishing Love where there was once fear and separation.

Our collective gathering will help to alchemize personal and collective density into light, peace, Love, openness, and beauty.

Below is a heart-opening meditation that will help us to connect with and open up to the 11-11 Portal of Healing.

This meditation, or any meditation you desire to do, can be done anytime throughout the day of November 11th.

However, if you’d like to make it extra special, set a reminder for any of your local times of 1:11 am, 11:11 am, 1:11 pm, or 11:11 pm. Try this or any meditation that resonates with you around these times.

The 11:11 Awakening Meditation

Step 1: Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths.

Step 2: Smile with your right eye only (eyes still closed). Hold for 10 seconds.

Step 3: Smile with your left eye only (eyes still closed). Hold for 10 seconds.

Step 4: Imagine what it would feel like if your third eye (in the space between your eyebrows) was smiling. Hold that feeling for 10 seconds.

Step 5: Move the smile down from the third eye to your mouth and cheeks (a regular, big smile). Hold this smile for 10 seconds.

Step 6: Move the smile from your face down into your heart. Imagine what it would feel like if your heart was smiling big.

I like to see my heart as a cartoon heart-person, with a cute happy face and little dangly legs and hands, wearing a top hat, and doing a tap dance for me.

The key is to use an image that makes you feel happy and brings you joy. Envision your heart smiling and putting on this show for you, for at least 10 seconds.

Step 7: Say out loud: “I am fully open to receiving and giving unconditional Love now, with ease and grace. And so it is!”

Step 8: Affirm out loud at least 5 things you’d like to see manifest in the world, and reflect on how these things would impact you personally.

Step 9: Express gratitude to yourself and to the Universe for opening you up to all of the new blessings life has in store for you.

Step 10: Open your eyes, and observe over the coming days, weeks, and months, the new blessings that enter your life.

And that’s it!

On November 30th, we will complete the month with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which will help set the stage for an exciting, active, transformational December. We’ll chat more about that in the December Energy Forecast.

May this November bless you in extraordinary ways!

Until next time,

Miraculously Yours,

©2009 – 2020 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.
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