
sábado, noviembre 21, 2020

Denise Le Fay - Put Your Stretchy Pants On & Embody More - November 21, 2020


I know it’s been extra rough emotionally, psychologically and painful physically throughout October and November 2020 because we continue to embody more and more of the NEW higher energy codes coming in. Coupled with that has been a nearly constant state of having personal life memories suddenly pop up into our consciousness for the last time I believe. Phase 2 of the Ascension Process has made a lot of things obvious this year, one of them is this continual personal last review look and emotional feel over many of our life experiences, relationships, memories and such. I’ve been doing this for the past 29 years so I was slightly surprised when it started up again in 2020 and has continued all year.

You know how you go through your physical stuff, your personal belongings before you’re going to move to another house or apartment? You do your best to reduce the packing work and entire moving load by going through your physical belongings before you start packing the things you intend keeping. Well, we’ve been doing this same thing all of 2020 physically, emotionally and mentally. We’ve had to go through our life stuff to have one last look and feel over it all before we release it all to move into the NEW minus our old stuff, memories, attachments, belongings, relationships, focus and so on. All of humanity has had to do this repeatedly all year in their different personal ways. For some it’s been more about releasing remaining life memories and attachments that were emotional. For a lot of other people it’s been physical in that they’ve had loved ones suddenly die which forced them into this process and radical life change shift. In our own ways, we’ve all been living this this year because it’s a big and important aspect of the current Separation of Worlds and Shift.

Awhile ago I wrote about how the First Wave of regular humans would start the Ascension Process when Phase 2 began in 2020. Some of you have one of those people in your lives. They may be a family member, a friend, a neighbor and you’ve been hearing about how much pain they’ve been experiencing this year. They go to doctors and/or the ER because of severe physical pains they’re suddenly having and as is usually the case, nothing is found “wrong” with them by unaware medical professionals. Welcome to the compressed evolutionary Ascension Process newbie humans. You want to know what’s going on in your body, head, heart and being? Go to and question those who’ve been living and embodying (lower case “e”) and/or Embodying (capital “E”) it themselves for decades to get the truth about this incredible process.

It’s not easy witnessing anyone suffer, be they seasoned Ascension Process Volunteers Embodying first, or unaware regular people, or unaware regular people who’ve just started embodying some of the NEW energies, Light, codes, DNA into their physical bodies, hearts and consciousness in Phase 2. It’s not easy witnessing others suffering while personally living greater embodiment and Embodiment in 2020 yourself. It’s not easy witnessing anyone suffer from Phase 2, directly or indirectly suffering from COVID-19, suffering from the death of a loved one(s) from this pandemic, suffering abrupt 2020 financial loses and the security jobs and paychecks gave people. It’s not easy for any of us to witness, feel, empathically feel and minute-by-minute live and journey through this ascension caused deconstruction of old familiar patriarchal physical reality, as corrupt and deadened as it is. It has not been easy for those Volunteers who’ve been living the Embodiment Process (capital “E”) for many years already but in 2020, at these much higher, faster and direct Phase 2 levels. None of this has been easy for any of us no matter which ascension stair-step we’re each currently functioning on. All year there’s been tremendous NEW higher still Light energies and more NEW codes coming in and being embodied at the same time as tremendous amounts of old lower patriarchal negativity have been constantly revealed and permanently removed. That is a lot for all of us to go through constantly all year. Don’t feel bad for occasionally feeling bad, sad, depressed, overwhelmed, beatdown and/or freed because of all this.

I hope the January 1, 2020 global Divine Cease & Desist Order is making more sense now that we’re near the end of this very difficult year. All of humanity, including every Volunteer, needed to be abruptly yanked out of their personal familiar daily patriarchal lives and reality because everything had entered Phase 2 of the Ascension Process and the old lower would be rapidly dismantled and permanently removed this year. It’s all looked, sounded, felt and seemed like 2020 has been about the global pandemic and all the things, actions, supplies and systems that were everyone’s old normal daily patriarchy based reality. That’s what it’s looked and felt like but it is so much more than that. We all HAD to be put in a timeout space of greater isolation from other people, and our own habitual daily actions, while this bottom of the patriarchy barrel reality has been ripped apart and revealed globally in the Light as what it has been — entirely corrupt and anti-human.

There are so many things to say about where we’re at right now, however, the main thing I want to impart is that the “Shift”, the “Event”, the “Separation” etc. is and has been happening every minute of every day and night all year. There are so many people that still believe that things will go from one state to another state in some spectacular Hollywood-like movie special effect. It will not. I’d like it to because, like everyone else, I enjoy a good show too, however I know that what many are waiting for and expecting and believing to look one way has, is and continues to happen right here, right now every minute of every day and night in ways they’re not even aware of.

We’re here, now we’re here, now we’re here, and now we’re here…

Said another way, the “Shift”, the “Event”, the “Separation” etc. has been and continues to be an ongoing process of those who are Embodying and everyone that’s embodying more of the NEW higher Light energies and codes while simultaneously continuing to release our personal pasts in all ways and the collective old lower past in all this chaos, constant change, greater dismantling and deconstructing, shocking delusions and escalating self-delusion in more people, patriarchal death-grip greed, and ascending and descending people.

Eventually we’ll become aware that while we were doing the we’re here now, now we’re here, now we’re here… stair-step Ascension Process we’ll realize that WE ARE HERE NOW! if you get what I’m saying.  No special effects other than the old lower negativity, crap, BS, corruption etc. doesn’t exist in our HERE NOW space of ascended NEW Earth and NEW Humans.

And, this astonishing Ascension Process and Shift etc. has been going on outside of us and our physical bodies AND within ourselves and our physical bodies. The more we embody, and the more we Embody, the more the “Event”, the “Shift”, “Separation” happens right here, right now in, through and all around each of us. You and The Way are one and the same thing.

Hey, this is interesting.  The next presidential election takes place in 2024. Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024.

  • I began Seeing Solar flashing and flickering within my personal energy field in June 2018.
  • I began Seeing the Crystalline Triality iridescent pastel and darker gemstone colored triangle shaped codes Δ in December 2018.
  • I began Seeing the Radiant Diamond codes in December 2019. These look like millions of beautiful faceted diamonds up very close and connected.
  • I began Seeing brilliant white-Light flat diamond shaped codes ◊ in November 2020.
  • I began perceiving brilliant white-Light circle shaped codes o in November 2020.
  • I expect to See more NEW energy Light codes which are typically geometric templates for ascending humanity in December 2020.

For those of you Embodying (capital “E”), this final ‘Phoenix’ phase of it has been wonderful, hard at times, deeply isolating in both wonderful and less than pleasant ways at times too, physically painful and profoundly freeing at the same time. Everything I just said about this is colossally inadequate.

When we Volunteered to leave our HOME, whatever lofty place that was for each of us then, and incarnate on physical Earth to help with the Ascension Process, we had to drop a lot of the Light we had in us to be able to incarnate into physical human bodies on very dark physical Earth. I repeat, we needed to drop a lot of our personal Light and all that naturally went with it at those higher HOME levels, dimensions and states of being just to be able to cram our huge Light selves into little dense physical human bodies and incarnate on what was a negative Earth world.

Throughout the Ascension Process we Volunteers have been incrementally embodying more and more of our own Light that we deliberately left behind at our HOMES because we couldn’t carry all of it within us into such profound density, negativity and darkness that was Earth. In other words, we’ve been embodying more and more of our own Light into our current incarnate physical bodies and consciousness all these ascension years. Just that alone is a really big deal and reason to keep the stretchy pants on!

And as if that weren’t enough, many of the Volunteers have also been living the Embodiment Process throughout the Ascension Process. The Embodiment Process is those Volunteers that want to do this too, embodying more and higher Light into their incarnate physical human bodies so eventually they and their physical bodies are within the same frequency range as their Higher Self/Selves, Soul and highest HOME frequencies are. They’re doing this so that the incarnate self, consciousness and physical body is capable of direct constant contact, communications and interactions with their own higher non-physical selves, Soul, Divine aspects etc. This is the real ‘we are all One’ thing — individual integration, unity and sovereignty with all aspects of yourself existing in different levels, layers, dimensions and realms etc.

The more of your own Light you embody into your physical body, and, the more higher ascension Light and NEW codes you embody into your physical body the more you vibrate at higher HOME frequency levels in your current physical body on ascending Earth that’s becoming NEW Earth. What was separated and left here and there has been being Embodied by those Volunteers that want to live this process now too. Eventually we embody enough—increase our Light quotient within our physical bodies—that we become fully Embodied, meaning we exist in and vibrate at the same frequency range in our physical bodies and selves as we are and do in our Soul and Higher Self/Selves. When this reaches that point where the fully direct and constant conscious connections are finally made between higher and lower selves, we become Embodied or Christed Crystalline frequency in the physical in our physical bodies. We are here and we are HOME at the same time because we are HOME. Some of the Volunteers that are the first to Embody are going through these final stages of this Embodiment Process now. Phoenix on Volunteers.


November 21, 2020

Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2020. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.com and Copyright Notice is included.