
jueves, octubre 29, 2020

Judith Kusel - We are all going through intense transitions - Oct 29, 2020

We are all going through intense transitions, and transformation on all levels now, and thus so much of what is there inside of us, which needs to be released will now come up.

What has deeply been buried in our subconscious and the subconscious of humanity will be churned up in the next few weeks and months - so expect what has been deeply buried and hidden, to suddenly appear as if from nowhere. These are very deep wounds and may have come over generations, as well as over thousands of years, within humanity.

More than this, things you thought you have dealt with, but in truth have not totally let go of, will now resurface, so that you truly let go.

We truly cannot take the old 3D into the New and much higher Dimensional state. The old cannot hold form there, and when we hang onto anything, and I include fear of unknown, we simply will be pulled back into the 3D, until we learn to totally let go and allow our higher Soul Selves, to lift us back into the Higher Levels.

With this expect the Heart center to open even more. It may feel at times as if you heart center is on fire. That is because the Soul Fire awakening within you. As it expands the heart will become like a burning Sun and radiate forth.

I was asked yesterday during my Zoom teaching session, how one can truly discern what is ego thinking and acting, and what is not. In this the mind will often try to discect and analyze until you feel like you are in whirlpool.

Take very deep breaths and and hold the breaths for at least 7 counts and then release. Do this a few times, until your mind stills. Then go deeply into your heart space, and connect with your soul through your gut feelings, the inner knowing, and you will see the truth. Then surrender it all, and ask that you Higher Soul Self totally take over and that you are lifted into the Higher Levels and thus gain perspective from there, through the Heart and Soul, AS ONE with the Divine within.

We truly are going through intense times - yet we are being freed of all the shackles and bonds, all which no longer serves us, and indeed are being freed to step into the Fullness of Who and What we are - in TRUTH.

Judith Kusel