
domingo, octubre 04, 2020

Judith Kusel - There is so much joy and excitement...- Oct 4, 2020

 There is so much joy and excitement, so much activity and so much which is happening in the inner planes, as the intense and immense shifts into the 5th and 7th dimensional state accelerates.

So many Lightworkers have truly upped their mission and are stepping more and more into the Power and Fullness of their own Soul Source Self. This is having a immense immensely powerful ripple effect on the whole.

Many souls will not be able to make it through the shift, but that is ok. Most are still lost in fear and in the false programming and belief systems which are keeping them there. In will always have wake up calls along the way, but many will simply choose to not heed these.
It is time of accelerated shifts, and accelerated cosmic updates which are pouring in. 

2021 is a Rubicon year where the splitting of the Timelines of the 3D and the 5D, will be felt intensely. With it will come immensely powerful disintegrations, and the forming of totally new structures, new forms and a much higher way of life!

At this time, it is best to connect in much deeper ways within and to anchor yourself firmly in the Source Self within. You are always guided and you are protected and you are being lifted through this all.

This is mass expansion on all fronts, and we are living it!

Judith Kusel
