
jueves, octubre 01, 2020

Judith Kusel - So many portals of opportunity have opened up and are opening - Oct 1, 2020

So many portals of opportunity have opened up and are opening, for souls who truly wish to step into the New and Higher Dimensional Frequency bands, without the baggage, or any of the old thinking, belief systems, duality, polarity, separateness, unforgiveness etc.
I was guided a few months ago, that from the 5th July 2020, and during a Divine Dispensation, that all the old karma, the old karmic patterns and the old negative created patterns of soul have been cleared. Thus the slate has been cleared and cleaned.

Yet, we need to be ready to receive this immense gift and let go of whatever it is within us, to which we are still hanging onto, that which we refuse to forgive, all judgements, shame and blame and guilt, grudges, resentments, anger, fear, etc. That is entirely up to us.
I was again made aware of this today, as I wondered aloud why a certain issues have come up for me in the last weeks and out of the blue. I was then shown that these were old karmic patterns, and old karmic residue, which I needed to become aware of, in order to finally release them from deep within myself! Even though I thought I had resolved the one issue, I still needed to totally clear the slate and return to the highest state of unconditional love and gratitude, to the soul involved: - not just for this lifetime, but other lifetimes and existences as well. When I had done so, I felt such immense gratitude and love, that I wrote a "Thank you" letter to the soul involved and I knew this was now totally cleared. Whatever happens henceforth will be steeped in the Higher Octaves and Source Being, and in a beautiful and harmonious, unconditional loving manner and way.

The second came up, in an issue which I must admit I had neglected, mainly because of being overly busy, and not paying it the attention I should have. We so often tend to do this, when something is not high on our list of values or interests or that we tend to leave until tomorrow. When I was finally jolted awake, I needed to confront this part of me, and with it came gratitude: - gratitude that I could now pay it the attention due to it, and at same time, empower myself more and more. Indeed, it has proved to be a great blessing, for I understood that I could not step into the fullness of my Highest Service and Calling, if I could not master this aspect of my life! The minute this realization came, and I sought assistance in this regard and then became grateful for this new learning curve, I was told, that this too had been resolved, and dissolved and that my karma in this regard had been cleared!

For a minute I was stunned. Then more gratitude arose, for now I realized that as I had shifted within, all was shifting without and thus I could again be immensely grateful for all which happened, as it did, and bless those who jolted me awake!

We will all have these karmic moments coming up in the next weeks and months, for we need to totally let go WITHIN ourselves, so that we can truly free ourselves.

The karmic portal has been opened to free us: - but we need do the inner work and totally let go, of whatever is there within us, which is still repeating the same, or clinging onto unforgiveness, or refusal to change. More than this, to totally let go of all fear, guilt, shame and blame and inclusive of judgements and to move into the Higher Soul Source Self, who sees only loving reflections and manifestation of the Divine Source in all and everything. 

The letting go, indeed involves all areas of life and living as we need to totally let go of the old, in order to remember the truth of who and what we are at SOUL level and step fully into that Truth and live it!

Judith Kusel