
martes, octubre 27, 2020

Judith Kusel - The New Earth has now been fully birthed and is in the 5th dimensional state - Oct 27, 2020

The New Earth has now been fully birthed and is in the 5th dimensional state, and thus rising rapidly into the 7th, the original Paradise Creation on Earth during the time of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom. This is thus now fully present as the New Golden Age has already begun.

The Timelines between the 3rd and 5th, have now split, which means that the New Earth is there fully functioning and fully present for those souls who leave the old 3D totally behind, the old fear based programming, the old control systems, the old behaviors, patterns, and all which the soul created within itself, and the systems it allowed itself to conform into. Polarity and duality cease to exist, and there is only ONE. Unity. Oneness. There is not separation from the Divine, Self and Others. All this is 3D stuff and false programming and belief systems. Yet, the souls who wished to incarnate took it upon themselves to experience such a state of separation, as part of their own soul growth. Now they have the freedom to step out of it, to step out of the shackles and bonds and false programming and false control systems, and into the higher truth of who and what they in truth are!

This needs come through the open heart center, and the return to the highest state of Pure Unconditional love, for Self and others.

It means a deep return to the ONENESS with the DIVINE SOURCE and reclaiming the Divinity WITHIN. For all souls are true daughters and sons of the Divine. All embrace godhood within them. Indeed there are so many highly evolved souls, like yours incarnated. If they truly step into the fullness of their own Divinity, as within, they would walk this planet as true Masters, and they will be on the planet, but not OF IT! A Master is of such high energy that he or she cannot be tuned into, or detected by those of the lower frequency bands, as they will appear invisible and indeed, they assume the higher Adam Kadmon body, which is 7th dimensional, and no security system can detect them anymore. They cannot be seen on camera and therefore the old 3D cannot contain them anymore.

They are fearless. For indeed, what is there to fear? Fear is but false evidence appearing as real and it is not the truth.

Seek the truth and you will find it.

Not OUTSIDE of you – but INSIDE!

It is not where the most noise is and the greatest of fanfares! It is not where politicians are or the world media.

The Truth lies WITHIN!

The more you are ATONE with the DIVINE SOURCE the more the Christedness within rises. More than this, the physical body, is being transformed, and has been since the 1950’s into a much higher frequency body, the higher Light Body, the Adam Kadmon s body, and thus is far more crystalline. This steps up in vibrational frequency, when the soul is ATONE with the Divine, and LIVES this and BECOMES this, and then the physical from transfigures into the higher Lightbody, the Adam Kadmon body, which is pure and higher light frequency, that of the 7th dimensional frequency. This it the newly created form for the New Golden Age and the return to the 7th dimensional state and higher which will be fully anchored in by 2032.

Those who are unwilling to make the transition, will simply still play out the old actors roles and personas and duality and polarity in the holographic form of the old planet and thus keep themselves imprisoned there, until they finally awaken and realize the truth of who and what they are and then will choose to ascend. Some will refuse to, and will simply leave the planet as their physical form cannot hold form anymore. Some will even choose to leave and are leaving their own craft and go and return whence they stealthily came from.

Now, note that in this a case of the individual soul needing to wake and truly desire to let go of everything in the 3D. Literally. The old persona, the old ego, the old Adam and Eve, the old belief systems, the old separation, duality, polarity and fear. Indeed, all to which they are still attached to in some form or another.

Some highly evolved souls, like this transmitter, are already assisting these souls and transformed into their highest Soul Source self and serving as Highest Masters.

It is therefore within your own soul your own free will choice in which dimensional state you now choose to live.

The lock down indeed, although it was meant to further control mankind, indeed has played a huge role in awakening humankind, to their own Divinity and in seeking the highest truth within!

Instead of resenting it, thank it!

For indeed, a soul cannot be bound. It cannot be shackled. It cannot be controlled. Indeed, a soul can traverse the Omni Verse and it needs not the physical form.

Most humans forget this and then they believe that the physical reality is the be all and end all of life. That is not true. It is merely a vessel. The soul leaves the vessel and then returns to its true energetic form and its own home galaxy. More than this every soul is multi dimensional and multi-Universal and thus is time-less, form-less, and Omnipresent.

Deep down all souls remember this. It is just that they tend to be indoctrinated from birth with false belief systems and false ideologies and thus shut down.

It is therefore the free will of every soul on planet earth whether they will choose to step into the highest dimensional state and total rebirth or not.

One can only enter the highest through the open heart center and the soul and then total ONENESS with the Divine, and the Divinity within. UNITY. AS ONE.


Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Follow Up Soul Reading done by me.

Judith Kusel
