
martes, octubre 20, 2020

Judith Kusel - Life will bring you on pathways and byways - Oct 20, 2020

Life will bring you on pathways and byways, and now it the moment to finally step out of the old and worn, and redundant pathways and byways of the 3rd dimension, and into the much Higher Dimensional Infinite Space.

I am so grateful that I spent most of my life, as Librarian. I literally read thousands of books, and had to deal with people from all walks of life, and all the colours and creeds. More than this, I had to deal with banned books (which the Apartheid Regime had declared as unacceptable) and I read them, for I wanted to know why they were banned. That opened my mind to how controlled the systems really were and much spilt over into the controlled society, its systems, thinking and belief systems. More than this, I often had to read books, in order to discern if they should stay on the shelves or not, after receive complaints regarding their content.

Some of them blew my mind, and some gave me nightmares, and through this all, I found that I needed to go deeper within, where I would always find the highest Truth in that moment, and the deep anchoring within.

All of this opened my mind, and more than this my heart, for I then already understood, that I needed to look deep within me and my infinite Divine connection for truth, and that I needed to walk my own unique path, and not blindly and mindlessly follow. More than this, I read all religious books, and I found that truth is relative to the one reading it. Some Universal truths are Universal truths, and recognized by all souls at some level, because of their own Divine Knowing deep within. More than this, I would always be brought back to the Heart of Love. For in truth there is only love, all else is illusion.

Since then I have dared to break free and truly live life every moment in the deepest Knowing within.

In breaking free I am allowing myself to grow and become on ever higher and greater levels of existence, deeply anchored in the Divinity within, where there is only Love, Light and Wisdom.

The whole Omniverse is there INSIDE of you! Not OUTSIDE, within.

Freedom is indeed relative to the one WITHIN.

Everyone you meet is indeed the Divine. Just as you are.

Everyone you meet and deal with is indeed YOU. For you are Divinity and they are Divinity. All is ONE.

Why am I sharing this?

We are now asked to leave all the old systems behind, the old personas, the old programming, all that we ever thought we were, just like I was asked to leave my Librarianship behind me in 2008. Since then my whole life has changed: - but more than this, I am now asked to do exactly the same, but in a much higher degree, and so are you.

I am finding this immensely freeing, for now we can step back into the higher truth of who and what we in TRUTH are: - We are Divine Sons and Daughters of the Divine Source. The Divine Source indeed experiences life THROUGH you!

The higher we step into the higher octaves of Soul Empowerment and expression AS ONE with the Divine, the less ego there is. Persona disappears. What we once defined as our self in embodiment on planet vaporizes and we now step into the Fullness of the Truth we are!

Indeed, every present moment, is infinite.

The past has gone - it exists no more, except by what you are hanging onto and are not willing to forgive and let go of. This includes the old personas, the old ego, and whatever it is you are still attached to.

The Future in fact does not exist either. It has not been formed.

For we are now in a moment, when past and future are unformed.

The only moment we have to truly live in the highest sense is NOW. This moment. Fully present.

Yet within this moment, we truly are already cocreating in the highest sense, for every thought we think, every word we speak, every action we take is creating.

The minute we step out of the past and all it contained, and into the infinite space, the old duality, polarity, control, judgements, unforgiveness, pain, etc. vaporizes. It was but a dream. We now have stepped out of the dream and into truth of the Infinite Soul as ONE with the Divine.

We carry infinity within us.

Infinite possibilities.

Infinite space.

Infinite Creation.

Infinite Light.

Infinite Love.

Infinite Wisdom.

Infinite Being.

There is no past nor future.

The Present is all there is.

Yet within the Present, infinity exist with infinite space, infinite wonder.

Judith Kusel
