
martes, octubre 27, 2020

Judith Kusel - Keep it simple at this time and stay present in this moment - Oct 27, 2020

Keep it simple at this time and stay present in this moment.

Let the past go.

The future has not yet manifested into form and being.

Take one step at a time, one single day at a time, and allow each moments unfolding to lead you ever forward into the higher dimensional state.

When issues, or old things come up to haunt you, or people push your buttons, or whatever occurs, take deep breaths and allow yourself to go deeply into your heart center and then simply breathe into it, until you have calmed down. You may ask that your heart center be opened more and more and that you now see with the Eyes of Love and your own Higher Soul Self.

Now simply ask, whatever is coming up:

"What is it this person, or situation triggering within me, that is unhealed, that has not been loved nor owned by me?"

"What is this teaching me?"

"Where lies the hidden blessing?"

From deep within you, the answer will come. It may well come as old childhood memories come up, or past life things, or whatever needs to be released and let go of, and forgiven. So often we find it the hardest to forgive ourselves.

Where ever or in what ever way, you hang onto shame, blame and guilt, and add to this fear - these will now pop up, so that you can let go of these, forgive and be freed.

There is nothing complicated about letting go.

If there is, then it is because you are still hanging onto something there, which is in truth, no longer serving your highest soul growth and good.

It is immensely freeing to finally let go.

It is immensely empowering to find yourself growing in consiousness and not reacting to life and people and situations anymore the way you used to.

When we see, how every person, every encounter, every trigger, and every situations serves us in some way, we are gaining the higher perspective.

You are seeing the truth and we see with the eyes of truth.

We no longer wish to hide from that is there staring us in the face.

We now stand and deal with whatever comes, and release it with love.

For indeed, the more open the heart center, the more one sees only love, finds only love, and becomes only Love in loving, living, Being and Seeing.

Judith Kusel
