
sábado, octubre 03, 2020

Judith Kusel - The influx of cosmic energies and the higher dimensional frequency bands are truly working with all of us on multiple levels now - Oct 3, 2020

The influx of cosmic energies and the higher dimensional frequency bands are truly working with all of us on multiple levels now. We are being lifted, ever lifted into a much higher form of being, a much higher Light body, and thus more and more into the highest Soul Truth and Soul Empowerment on all levels.

We need let go of all prior programming, false belief systems, all boxed in thinking, labelling and anything we created within structures and forms. All is dissolving. 

It is time to think out of box, to start living out of norm and to rise above anything which you ever thought gave your life structure and form. Cling onto nothing! In truth all is becoming chaotic, as all dissolves and need to become form-less to be recreated!

This applies to your own life as well. The more you try to cling onto old habits, old belief systems, old patterns, old relationships, old structures, old boxes, old forms, old labels, the more confused you will get. For it will seem that no matter how much you cling or hang onto, all is dissolving in and around you!

The good news is that this is happening to all of creation on planet earth and not only to you. It is just that you can choose to cling onto the old and thus continue the old dramas, continue playing the old games and playing out the life which you and others created in the 3D. In truth the 3D exists no more, except in your own thinking and imagination and your refusal to let go. Most often these are fear-based energies, for what you fear losing are the areas you are most attached to.

I am grateful that I have long ago known to think out of box, and never to allow myself to be labelled nor put into boxes I do not fit into. I have long learnt to question everything, and to seek the truth deep within me. If something or someone does not resonate, I just do not go there.

There is so much freedom to be found, if one goes deep within, reconnects with your soul on all levels and the Divine within you, that no matter what life throws at you, you will always find that inner equilibrium and soar and rise above it all, with renewed inner strength and resilience and with unconditional love. Indeed, as the challenges come, you will be able to cope with them much easier, because you have learnt to go deep within for answers and then follow that guidance and deep inner knowing.

Your inner guidance system is the most accurate GPS system there is and indeed, through your soul you are infinitely linked to the Divine Source and the Knowledge, Guidance in the whole Omni-Verse. The inner GPS systems works through your open heart center, combined with your solar plexus and Third Eye. In truth there is no-thing ever missing. All is there, within you, all the tools, all the navigational systems, all that you ever need. Abundance indeed, is a state of mind and a state of heart and embraces the All-Being, All-Seeing, All-Hearing and All-Knowing!

Above all stay true to yourself and your own deep inner knowing, and be prepared to be reinvented in all forms and expressions - inside and out, and indeed, you will find that you can navigate these immense changes in ways you never thought possible. Indeed, in much higher ways and at a much higher frequency level.
The lower 3D and all it entails, cannot operate on the higher dimensional frequency bands. This applies for people who still choose to live there.

Remember this: The higher your own frequency band, the less the lower can tune into it. You can literally operate on a much higher level and transcend the old.

That is the immense Gift of this time!

Judith Kusel