
lunes, septiembre 14, 2020

Ute Posegga-Rudel - INSPIRED IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS! - Sep 13, 2020

VIDEO (recommended)

My Dear Friends,

when we have seen and transcended all the madness (and this is the necessary work we must do, because everything must become conscious, to be surrendered to the One and Only Divine Consciousness ), we as creator beings can resurrect a new world, or rather allow it to manifest.

This accelerates the dissolution of the present madness in our awareness. Everything that is not Divine is chaotic with a negative content. Surrendered to It, we call the Divine Power of Love and allow It to create new forms, new ways of existence. We do not prolong the "old", crazy world by believing that it expresses truth. It is a secondary, negative creation and has no permanence and no real power, only the one we give to it, if we hold on to it.

In truth, even death is nothing but life, since it does not exist if we have an immortal soul.
But not everyone has one, there are so many different forms of existence on this planet. Many just don't have a soul, they didn't come here with it! They feel like cold and strangely empty. But if they want to have a soul, they can, but they have to work hard for it. That is the God-given Grace that can be given to every soul-less person here who asks for it..

I described some time ago - (in April) - what I perceived to be happening on our planet at the moment: The beginning of a New World. For those who are ready and willing to receive it.



I have already written a report in 2012 about how the New World could look like and feel like in concrete terms:



The shamans say that unless we become truly adults, we are not able to write our own Golden Book. But when we are ready, we write down our own world as divinely creative beings, that serves us and all beings, -- no longer living in a world that others have set for us.

Let yourself be inspired to break away from a deceptive, unhappy reality by casting off the shackles of old conditioning. Everything truly Divine is always happy and beautiful. This is so intended in a Divine Creation. Now you can see from this that the world, as it currently appears, is not a divine creation. It is an illusion. It has no real power!

Free yourself from it! Purify yourself from it so that you can write in your Golden Book!

With love,




Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com
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