
miércoles, septiembre 09, 2020

Lisa Renee - Deceiver and the Deceived

In the age of social media and rampant propaganda, most of the public has been groomed to be unable to separate honest and truthful representations from manufactured deceptions and lies. For deception to work both sides have to participate, both deceiver and deceived have to play their roles. How do we wise up to see the lies, the spiritual betrayal, the reality distortions, the energy blocks and dark force attachments that are part of being deceived? Within each of us resides the core inner spirit that gives us direct access to the honest truth. We all have the ability to clear out the false ego identities, shift out the many layers of false beliefs and Banish the Lies that have concealed the truth. As we face the layers of falsity, which have generated energy blockages and spread darkness into our minds and bodies, we bring the truth into our present awareness. By allowing ourselves to see the truth of what has caused this inner pain, we ultimately experience mental, emotional and spiritual freedom.

The now presence is connected to our deepest spiritual essence, which emanates the light throughout our consciousness layers. The presence of truth in the light releases the pain that was created by the darkness, effectively Banishing the Lies that have produced the suffering and torment. Many of us have been seduced by the mainstream propaganda and the gaslighting used to sell these lies, and the world population has been buying them in every shape and size. This death culture version of 3D reality that is being sold to us is a sham, it is a lie rigged with psychological and emotional manipulation to keep humanity in spiritual bondage, through the repetition of the previous time cycles that began the NAA invasion, bringing on global human suffering and blood sacrifice. This phase of the time cycle leads into the 9-11 Timeline programs of the Armageddon software, where the satanic controllers attempt to leverage collective human pain and suffering in so to generate future events that manifest even more pain and suffering. It is obvious the Controllers are panicking as they lose ground and have called upon every deep state asset they have in order to wreak devastation, dehumanization and totalitarian objectives upon the global population.

On the path to liberation, in order to find true happiness and freedom we must see through the mass confusion and deceptions that are used to manipulate us in this world, effectively Banishing the Lies. To discover and find the truth, we must apply great effort to be fully engaged in our present moment awareness and dedicate ourselves to the path of truth seeking. In these tumultuous and transformative times, we must confront the lies and challenge those well-supported and well-funded beings, who intend to spread these lies even further in order to create harm. The Controllers intend to destroy human spiritual potential, and desire to fill this world with even more internal and external oppression, tyranny, destruction and darkness. Each of us must dedicate ourselves to find our highest expression while cultivating the deepest compassion, empathy and wisdom gained from our own direct experiences, so that we may be the example of living in harmony and alignment with the higher truth of the reality. We do not need to project holiness or perfection from preconceived notions, all that is required is that we have positive intentions and that we are committed to be completely honest, caring and kind with ourselves and with others. We do our best to speak truthfully, to represent and express our authentic selves, showing how we really feel and imbuing this deeper meaning into our communications and words. We make the choice to Banish the Lies from wrongly influencing our emotions and directing our motivations, perceptions, behaviors and actions, we align our consent and choose now to really know the whole truth.

Our individual ability to separate fact from fiction, to discern the difference between truth and lies embedded in the information that we are being exposed to through many different mediums, is undergoing an unprecedented threat. Human beings have been intentionally targeted at the subconscious layers to limit social intelligence with lower ego programming, that produces learned helplessness and blind reliance upon the falsity that powers up many of the 3D control structures. When people are being repeatedly saturated in what appears to be random negative stimuli in the external, this translates into emotionally raw survival consciousness, the sensation in one’s life of constantly navigating through an onslaught of perceived and real threats. The unstable and harsh environment is designed to threaten both conscious and unconscious perceptions of personal security, which further cloud a person’s vision while travelling within a distorted version of reality.

This distortion in perception leads many to look towards things in the outer world to use as an escape mechanism. The majority are either handing power over to the controller structures in exchange for a false sense of personal security or giving up in an overwhelmed and exhausted apathy. In the Art of War, spreading misleading information laced with blatant lies, using gaslighting combined with ‘overwhelm and wear down’ tactics are masterfully employed by those seeking to maintain their powerful influence over those vulnerable to exploitation.

Cultivation of Gullibility

Thus, the intended goal of social engineering is to exploit the subconscious and to shift emotional and financial dependence onto those who have accumulated the most wealth and power. This makes them the dominant authorities with full control over allocating all resources available in this world, while creating many different subclasses of marginalized and oppressed people. Those that are poverty stricken and feel socially excluded are especially vulnerable to emotional exploitation, keeping them polarized on insignificant topics, and feeding into the promotion of lies due to the intentional cultivation of gullibility.

Until we have developed the capacity to profoundly know ourselves it is difficult to see the deeper and hidden motivations of others. When we lack self-awareness along with social awareness, it makes us much more gullible to others deceptions. Gullibility makes us pliable to reality hijack, believing the deceptions and lies that we have been told by those we perceive as an authority, with the covert agenda to hold onto the most wealth and power possible, at any cost. No one can remain unbiased when they can be bought and sold for a price. This lack of awareness about the nature of this 3D reality, further leads us into becoming cogs in divisive and harmful agendas, becoming the proponents that are being mind controlled to actually support the Controllers nefarious plans.

In the current terrain of masterful deceptions and lies being propagated by those desperate to hang onto the status quo and global power, the issue of gullibility in the masses is being heightened and exploited. It is the tendency to automatically believe that imposters and actors are telling us the truth at face value, that makes us easily persuaded into believing something that is entirely false. Many unethical and traumatized people on the world stage are addicted to power, and continue to role play a manufactured persona. However, it is the Live Action Role Player’s or LARP’s that are being used by the NAA-Controllers to reinforce our 3D belief systems or worldview by feeding us lies. Many people tend to believe these actors on the world stage as telling the truth or being trustworthy, irrespective of the long list of facts and hard evidence to the contrary. Most people are refusing to dig deeper into hard topics and ask the difficult questions that challenge their belief systems, following through to investigate the larger picture that connects all of the pieces in this vast puzzle.

Yet, this dedication to finding the truth within the taboo and hard topics is exactly what is needed, now more than ever.

The Controllers are master manipulators that scope out the emotional characteristics and hidden subconscious desires in order to exploit the known vulnerabilities in their victims, through the spreading of vicious lies that are presented as facts. Tyrannical despots and authoritarian globalist leaders hide behind the strawman faces of a puppet-democracy, when they actually seek to simultaneously destroy its core humanitarian principles. By collecting massive amounts of personal data to profile their global audience, they are using surveillance along with a host of masterful deceptions to exploit the public emotionally. As difficult as it may be, we have to actually see that through targeted mind control, they have been successful in manipulating many people to believe outright lies. Their goal is to continually distract by inciting violence and destructive conflicts within high profile interest groups, influencing gullibility in the masses. From behind the scenes they polarize and confuse, shaping narratives to assign their blame upon those groups of people who they see as threats, and who remain faultless in those specific issues. Directing disinformation as its reported through the mainstream media, prompts even more divide and conquer tactics to incite anger and sow hatred among the vulnerable populations. This is psychological warfare plain and simple, much of which is based upon the spreading of lies and deliberate disinformation to keep the public massively confused and warring with each other.

The imperative of these times is to be willing to open compassionate dialogues on challenging topics, to commit to be mentally flexible in order to seek the higher truth in the matter, and to do the research that backs up one’s own opinions, whether or not it is popular or profitable. To sincerely seek the truth and put forth the effort to find it, is the only way to gain the clarity that is required to discern the many harmful agendas at play, finding the hidden motivations behind the intentional spreading of disinformation and lies. When we perceive the motivations behind the inverted façade, we can ask to seek the larger truth that is found in who or what actually benefits from those lies, and then we can begin to see what cost these lies actually extract from the human race.

Deceiver and the Deceived

Deceptions and lying are a form of communication that involves mutual parties. There are those that are acting as the deceiver imparting the false information, generally with a hidden agenda, and those receiving that information as factual, which is really a lie being processed into a distorted belief by those that are being deceived. Generally, in these complex deceptions there are power imbalances where a supposed authority, that has more power or money, is carrying out the deception in order to have a strategic advantage over those that they are deceiving. The deceiver intends to communicate false impressions or disinformation to those perceived as gullible, naïve or vulnerable, so they will base their future actions or decisions on it.

It is important to understand that the spreading of deceptions and lies involves both sides of the deceiver and deceived, both must participate in the lie in order to bring it into manifestation. The Controllers require the deceived to hand over their consent to the lies, in order to continue to perpetrate their fraud against the public, committing mass deceptions and directing mind control programming.

For those of us that have been deceived and manipulated by many liars, it becomes critical to awaken and comprehend our personal role in promoting the lies any further, and to make a concerted effort to elevate our behavior. Whether it was through our ignorance of that fact when it was revealed to be a lie, or through emotionally reacting to that information with ego defense mechanisms, like confirmation bias or learned helplessness. We choose consciously to do our best to avoid lying and spreading misinformation in the future.

All of us have been lied to and deceived in this upside-down world in order to be exploited for consciousness slavery by human and non-human controllers. When we are able to recognize and acknowledge that this has happened to all of us on the earth, and that it is happening right now, it is a major stage of spiritual awakening and ultimately what is needed to reach critical mass in disclosure. In order to reach critical mass, we also must recognize and accept our participation in the grand deception and lies, known or unknown to us. Recognizing we have believed the disinformation we have been told by those around us, and that we have lived upon a planet in a war over consciousness that was intentionally hidden from us, which involved calculated exploitation and covert technological mind control.

We cannot ignore the pile of lies upon lies around us anymore. Collectively there is a radical push piercing the veil through the astral walls of black magic that have been filled with spells of deception. As we banish the lies from our lives, we shatter the prettily packaged illusions and the content rises up to the surface consciousness, where we can finally see the larger pieces of truth. We stop participating in the rewarding of liars and punishing of those people that are actually being honest. The truth of disclosure lives inside all of us now, and it is in what you can finally perceive as the nature of reality that is actually the honest truth. Be the example of speaking and living in truth, no matter how hard it is to be on the front lines of human global awakening, for we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

(Source: ES News -Banishing the Lies)