
martes, septiembre 01, 2020

Lena Stevens - September 2020 Monthly Forecast - Sep 1, 2020

The main theme for September is “Flexibility and Trust”

We carrying much anxiety over the future and the energies are all over the map. We don’t know what’s up or down and where we are going or what we should be doing half the time. We can’t make plans, and some days feel like one step forward and two steps back. We don’t know exactly where to focus our intentions or what intentions to make. And, we are still processing old emotional debris that continues to be uncovered during these stressful times.

Although this picture seems like a negative one, it describes a changing landscape, much like the aftermath of a sandstorm, and we are riding out a fairly significant sandstorm during these times. This month is about finding that place of inspiration and excitement for change, facing challenges proactively, and finding opportunity in the face of opposition and loss. The discipline will be to stay flexible and engage in trust, hope and confidence in your own ability to create and manifest a right future and a right livelihood.

Shifting your attitude from fear to excitement is key. Embracing change and being delighted with what is new will go a long way in keeping your level of enthusiasm high and your vibration light. When challenges come up or old trauma surfaces, celebrate the opportunity to move through them and reset your life. This month is about being proactive and not settling for a diminished experience. Even in the midst of pandemic restrictions, you can ignite your own creativity and inspiration with trust in your intuition, truth and emotional wisdom.

Let’s turn this month into an exciting and proactive time rather than a passive time of fear, despair and inertia.

Step one: be accepting of change.

Step two: practice the discipline of flexibility in all things. Let go of the past, let go of expectations.

Step three: trust your intuition, right timing and inner guidance as you contemplate taking action. Engage the support of your guides and allies.

Step four: be very disciplined about turning any fear, anxiety, despair or lethargy into powerful inspiration, excitement and positive action. Use creative expression to get the energy moving.

This can be a fantastic month of movement, evolution and emotional clarity. You will need to give up any attachments to past and future expectations, to feeling victimized, and to the need to be right. Things may look chaotic, unpredictable, unfixable and confused. The good news is that there is a new landscape and we do know that you can only fix current problems with new tools, and not the past ones that created the issues in the first place.

So, look to the future with hope and inspiration. Collectively we have the ability to change it for the better. We have no clue or idea what it will look like but we can feel into it with excitement and trust. Be flexible and willing!

Suggested and super helpful this month:

Monthly support Mp3 to work with the energies of the month, the fields of hope and trust and the support you need.

How the month shows up:


This is an important month to have disciplined spiritual practices to keep you moving forward in balance and positive directions. It is easy to fall into lethargy, despair and to feel utterly unmotivated to do anything. Having discipline for a simple practice such as getting up and greeting the sun every morning and calling in your allies and guides for support during your day, will go far in keeping you inspired. Moving the physical body is important as well. One of your disciplines could be to walk every morning without fail.

The personality responds to accomplishment. So, set goals that are achievable and adopt practices that become part of your daily routine. This creates a foundation that will then support you when you need to be flexible. We are all champing at the bit for clarity and resolution but trusting in right timing is key to working successfully with your intentions and visions for the future.

Impatience is probably the biggest obstacle this month and we need to practice compassion as well. Some of you are doing rather well, and some of you are struggling. You may personally be doing great but perhaps some of your loved ones are really challenged. You can hold a container of compassion and hope for them but they need to carry their own burdens and resolve their own challenges with their own inspiration, trust and hope. Remember that energy that is not yours is not digestible and could cause issues with your digestion and energy levels.


Anything is possible this month regarding relationships. Follow your heart and intuition, and trust that whomever is coming into your life or leaving it is by divine design. There is no room for impatience and the need to be “right” will not be welcome. A new landscape always brings new relationships with it so be prepared for a possible shake up in your relationship dynamics as you reconfigure your priorities.

For those of you that are seeking a specific relationship, be it an intimate partner or a partner for a project or simply another member of your community, set your intention from a place of your emotional wisdom. How do you wish to feel about that person and how do you wish to feel when you are with them? Then be open, accepting, flexible and trust that your intentions and prayers will be heard.

Support is a big theme right now as we navigate these uncharted waters of distancing and loss. Ask for support and then see what comes in without having an expectation about what the support needs to look like or how it needs to show up. In the discipline of spiritual practice, you can bring in as many allies and guides as you need. Assign them to different areas of your life where you need support and then trust that they will bring it in.


Discipline is the theme for the body and your health this month. Get out and walk, exercise, dance, move, stretch and celebrate your body as your vehicle for your life. Flexibility needs to be practiced in the physical body as well as in the heart and in the mind. Too much sitting around or lack of movement tends to calcify the energy and create a static, stuck condition which will not serve you this month. A walking meditation where you repeat a mantra or visualize an intention is also very helpful.

Lighten your diet up to include less heavy foods and eat smaller more frequent meals so you keep the energy going without feeling the heaviness of digestion. Shake it up a little perhaps even doing a fast or short cleansing diet. The body is instinctively wanting a reset as it responds to the motivation for action and movement. Bring excitement into the body by trying something new, pampering yourself a little, and stepping up the self-care.


Trusting in right timing is the main theme for anything having to do with business, partnerships and projects. It is also a great month to dream just a little bit bigger and to collaborate on new ideas and possibilities for creating right livelihood. If you have been contemplating a change in your career or work, especially a desire to be more creative, this would be a good month to begin to dream that up. If your current situation includes a recent change that has thrown you into some confusion and chaos, use this opportunity to work the change to your benefit by being flexible and allowing something new to come in.

On the other hand, outdated business models, old ways of doing things, and even projects from the past may go through rapid change, dismemberment, loss or restructuring. Be optimistic, flexible, keep your eye on the important goals and be willing to change or let go or jump into something new. As you contemplate and embrace your own freedom, give a new structure in your life the freedom to reform and regroup in a new and improved configuration. You may not see results for a while, but continue the movement forward.


The environment is responding to the need for change. The more intense the weather patterns and environmental phenomena, the more we are triggered and the more attention goes into the environment and how it affects us and how we affect it. Therefore, look for continued intensity in all aspects of weather and the environment.

Obviously, the theme of flexibility is key here as we navigate the changing of plans and the adjustments to conditions in all environments. The pandemic environment we find ourselves in should also be acknowledged as one that is creating a new landscape for just about everything right now. How can we stay positive, proactive and well-adjusted to this new environment without regrets, expectations or feeling victimized?

This is still a good time to continue clearing out, releasing and getting rid of aspects and physical things in your environment that are not presently supporting who you are and who you are becoming. It is all a part of letting go of attachments.

If you are having trouble in this area we suggest the online course “Shamanic clearing of self, stuff and space


September 1: Full Moon in Pisces is Tuesday, September 1 at 11:22 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).The “corn moon” will be active and appear full for approximately three days (Monday-Thursday) and is a great time to practice gratitude and acknowledge the abundance of life with all of its gifts, lessons, opportunities, challenges and experiences. This full moon gives us the opportunity to open our intuition, our hearts, and our emotional wisdom. Connect with your guides, jumpstart your spiritual practices with new discipline, and allow the old to fall away making room for something new.

We are still in a challenging time of change and letting go, adjustment to new landscapes, and trying to make sense of something we have never experienced before. Your intentions should be focused on how you wish to feel as you move forward into the future. So, take some time to “feel” into what you wish to manifest during this full moon. Use your intuition and engage your imagination.

Join Lena in a remote shamanic healing session working with the energies of this full moon, opening up intuition, compassion, emotional wisdom, and bringing in powerful guides for the month. Wednesday, September 2, 7PM MDT.

September 1-7: A good time frame to simply allow things to be where they are without resistance, judgment and attachment. In the wake of the full moon we may feel weepy, emotional and somewhat directionless. There is a nostalgia for days gone by and the way things were. Allow tears to be cleansing and your emotions to flow freely. Don’t dwell on regret or disappointment but move into a space of beauty and inspiration with a focus on what you presently have that is nurturing and supportive.

Allow the heart lots of room and let your intuition and personal truth guide you more than your rational mind (that does not always know what is best for you). This time frame may come with days that feel empty and unsatisfying, days that are so busy that you cannot process everything, and days where you are hard pressed to find the motivation to take any action at all. Practice flexibility and trust as they may be your best allies for neutrality and well-being.

September 8-15: We are getting down to business as there is motivation, movement and action. There is also inspiration that comes from the sharing of new ideas, projects and intentions. Watch for impatience, judgment and irritability especially when the energy seems to flow in fits and starts. This is a good time to check in with yourself and set some good intentions from the heart about how you want your future to feel.

A we approach the changing of seasons and the equinox, take some time to complete what is ready to be finished. This could be a relationship, a project, an old dream that no longer fits, or simply what has been on your “to do” list for a long time. It is a good week to do some catching up with communication and tasks and anything you have procrastinated. Make time for it. Use your daily disciplines and practices to help you stay grounded and focused on your own life instead of distracted with worry about what may happen “out there” in the future.

September 16-22: This could be a time of confusion and despair as you yearn for the clarity that is not yet there about what you want and where you are going. This is the time to work on your trust as well as patience and acceptance of right timing. The proactive approach is not to passively wait for something to drop into your lap but to take action on the little things that are clear to you. This will keep the energy moving in the right direction.

Continue with completions, catching up, eliminating old intentions no longer viable, and being flexible in all things. This is also a time to really get support when you need it and as you need it. You can experience great ease of manifesting when the support is there and the timing is right. Welcome new ideas and opportunities if they feel right. If you have days where nothing seems to be going in a clear direction, put frustrations aside, and do something different for the day, something you enjoy and are good at even if you feel it is not something practical.

September 17: New Moon in Virgo is Thursday, September 17, at 5:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) More on this New Moon will be sent as an update to our Power Path email list.

September 22: Equinox is Tuesday, September 22 at 7:31 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). We are ready for a new cycle and a change of season. Especially this year, it is important to honor this equinox as a time of permanent release, a reset and the bringing in of something new. We always recommend doing a ritual of some sort, a burning of writings, a burial of something symbolic, and the setting of new intentions. If you can, it is also helpful to have community and loved ones around to participate and to witness each other’s dreams and intentions for the future. Share food and drink safely. Clean your house, weed your garden, and enjoy the harvest.

Helpful online courses and audios for the equinox: “4 steps to Manifesting” and “Meditation for the Future”

September 23-30: This time period is marked by movement and action, and some of it may be uncomfortable and unstable. Pay attention especially the last few days of the month as aggressive energy is trying to push through the last obstacles and resistances to change. The physical environment is particularly vulnerable. You can be proactive by stepping up your physical activity and movement. Get outside, move your body and be aggressive towards your own desires and intentions.

Use this energy to push through the haze of uncertainty and caution. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the attention. So, if you have been trying to be heard, now is the time when you will be if you speak out. You can be firm without being pushy. Always come from a place of truth and the intelligence of your heart. If it does not feel good, it is not of essence.

Flexibility and trust!

Have a great month!



The Monthly support Mp3 has many useful exercises and guided visualizations and can be listened to and worked with more than once and even once a day if desired. It offers useful processes to help you with understanding and making the most of the energies of the month.

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