
domingo, septiembre 20, 2020

L’Aura Pleiadian - FALL EQUINOX September 22nd, 2020 ~ Into The Age Of Aquarius - Sep 20, 2020

The Autumnal equinox is on Tuesday September 22nd at 10:30 am ADT and is the official beginning of FALL for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

For those in the Southern Hemisphere this date also marks the beginning of spring.

This very significant equal time celebration is a also an astrological marker for the ever continuing and leading up to, the beginning of the astrological Age of Aquarius, December 22, 2020.

For those on the path of ascension; that is, living through the heart completely, we have the increased frequencies promoting the expansion of this process, handed to us as the GRAND opportunity.

For those not in the heart, the ways of being potentially may become more etched in consciousness as the way of being of CHOICE ~ chosen.

There is no judgment in anything at the higher levels. This is not what this is referring to.

This is more of a revealing that will make clear, the path that one is chosen is on. The way of covering up or hiding how one truly is, those days are coming to an end.

So here we are in the midst of CONTINUED great change. The Opportunity of all lifetimes. With the increased nature as turbulent waters, fire, earth and air play out their energies.

We have ALL as it is meant to be.

Those in the eternal flow only know.

In this the love that is eternal, glorious and beautiful, that never ends, we ACTIVATE ever more the hearts that are ready to live AS SUCH.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)