
sábado, septiembre 05, 2020

Judith Kusel - Sometimes the not knowing is better than the knowing...- Sep 5, 2020

Sometimes the not knowing is better than the knowing, for now there are no expectations and no false projections.

One is open and receptive to the everlasting flow and everlasting unfolding of the miracle of life.

More than this, the Divine gifting, which often unfolds when we least expect or demand or wish for it.

Not knowing now, is in truth a deep knowing that all will be allright.

In truth, nothing is ever missing.

All is merely constantly changing form.

When we cease to attach and we cease to have expectations and projections we are open. Receptive. We are allowing.
In truth we do not relinquish the reigns nor loose control.

We merely are allowing the unknown to reveal itself as we step into a much greater, loving and more profound and higher way of experiencing and expressing life.

We are being formed and reinvented into the highest Truthful Source Soul Self.

The Soul Self in its highest expression knows its highest truth.
The unknown becomes the known through the open and receptive heart and soul.

It is in unknown that all knowing in truth resides.

Judith Kusel

Jean-Luc Bozzoli