
lunes, septiembre 14, 2020

Judith Kusel - Speak from the depths of your heart and soul, your innermost Being - Sep 14, 2020

Speak from the depths of your heart and soul, your innermost Being.
For it is when you speak your own inner truth, from an open and loving heart, that you allow your soul to take wings, and to soar and to fly. 

For what you speak, may be the seeds which you need plant in the heart and souls of those ready to be lifted by it.


For when one shares with the pureness, loving intent, and the highest truth within, one is sharing from a much higher Soul Self. It is the Soul Self which is infinite and fully embraces the I AM THAT I AM.
When the heart center opens, it becomes like a radiating bridge of love and light, which then moves directly into the heart center of all around it. 

Indeed, you need not even open your mouth to speak. Your whole energy system radiating forth from your heart and soul, will touch theirs in ways you cannot even imagine. For an open heart center, finds other open heart centers, as All is ONE. 

Such is the beauty of the Present we are in. 

Such is the gift of this moment. 

As we open our heart center in stillness, in quietude, in the absence of all which may distract, we open ourselves to the Infinite, the ultimate, the Source of all Love, Light and Wisdom, as within us. 

Note the shift. 

Note the shift is WITHIN. 

As we shift within - all shifts without. 

It is the time of the great return of the Power of Love, and the Wisdom of all Ages. 

The heart knows and as you are reading this, allow the outpouring of Divine Love to touch you, embrace you, and fill you! 

Judith Kusel 
