
viernes, septiembre 25, 2020

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - September 2020 - September 26, 2020


***from your hostess of light
*** A great doorway of global healing opens like a Golden Gate
*** Dreaming inter-dimensionally
*** In 2021 the universe finally expands to fit its glorious self

From Your Hostess of Light Hey Ya’ll sorry for this issue being a little tardy, time has taken on its own multilayered form and is challenging to navigate. We just returned from the Yearly Gem Crystal Mineral show in Colorado, Rocky Mts. (it snowed the day before we went dropping like 60 degrees in a day whew!) It is one heck of a drive from where we live in the Smokey Mts. of Tennessee to Colorado. There is one thing that became very clear in our travels; the world needs Magic with a capital ‘M”. We drove this year and I never prayed so hard, calling in everything Holy almost speaking in tongues a few times!

Many have become very mustang like, as they buck this past year’s restrictions, displaying that very dangerously on the road. It truly is a chaos and needs our help. Everything has lost its sparkle and magic, people are pushed down like plants covered during a late frost.

 People on this past trip seemed to be covered, withdrawn and compressed in spirit not extending themselves. Unzipping their emotional tent for a minute and then closing the flap immediately. It was lonely amongst all we encountered. The crystal show itself was a disappointment with lots of long socially distant lines waiting outside and very few vendors inside. However I was totally amazed at the beautiful and powerful crystals that found their way to me. They have a lot to say and each is chopping at the bit to be seen and touched. It was a much needed time out for this goddess; now back to this reality, cleaning horse stalls, being wonder woman, crystal woman and all that entails. My teaching was to embrace the moment and its experiences no matter how crazy they were. Being thankful in the moment for all the wild actions of others was the best way for me to ground and anchor my light holding onto my sunny hologram.

 Blessings Gillian


A great doorway of global healing opens like a Golden Gate

A great doorway of global healing opens like a Golden Gate that has held back a 10-story tsunami. We are flooded emotionally holding it all back like the hoover dam, to the point of almost drowning in our feelings for self, for others, and for Earth. Like a wall of wailing, liquid emotions flood the planet and her people filling them to the rim and overflowing into a Cascade of Great Healing. All are as wounded animals that have licked their wounds too long in the cave of self not showing others how tender their injuries are.

Angels that have been immobilized for eons of time stretch their matrix-like wings after a long stay in the outer Heavenly Realms waiting for the call to action like a star wanting to turn supernova that finally says “I give” after experiencing too many Cosmic 2 by 4's and brought to its Heavenly knees. We too scream uncle as our Cosmic arm is Twisted into a place of listening.

Like the kingdom of Sleeping Beauty we too are dazed by political fairy dust that adds icing to already deep primeval fears. The Angel's come in multitudes of shapes expressing their gratitude as they search for those they are assigned to assist. Great Walls of Emotions collapse in municipalities of time placements one didn't even realize they were in. A 360-degree healing occurs within the biology of humanity. The Angels of matrix proportion come to wrap their wings around Humanity and let them know they will be lifted from this misapprehension of time and circumstance.

Every single person on Earth has an Achilles heel, a tender spot in their soul that needs to be addressed in order for time to heal and right itself. We as a planet have Quantum Leaped into a quagmire of future possibilities that do not belong to us personally. Sliding in and out of dimensional fluidity will soon become an Olympic sport as we all learn to stand on the paddle board of shift and paddle into the future.

Sometimes Karmic leakage sticks to the floor of our soul no matter how high we try to lift our thoughts. Our hearts opens like two Wide Doors to all the sadness and despair around us feeling what mother earth feels every minute of every day. This is an initiation of unparalleled proportion. We want to Heal, ‘If only healing did not hurt so much’! Walk forth with hope in your heart keeping a love filled eye upon the future that has been seeded by Divinity and placed by angels. Get your heart and words going in the right direction, you have to say it before you see it!

Dreaming inter-dimensionally

As we all around the corner of another Time-space dimensional burp, we come face-to-face with the many octaves and rungs of the ladder of light that seems to be very wobbly at this moment of time. In this dimension of instability there are many memories that come to the surface, seeking the light of day. Interdimensional memories where our random thoughts went and found life in other places of conception. Like A Stitch in Time we try to sew up the Loose Ends looking for the pattern we did not know we were making. In this dysfunctional conjunction is a place where we heal in a circle of time. Like a black hole that folds over itself opening new doorways of travel, we too are searching for parts of ourselves we have lost in the past year.

We have stuffed and sequestered so many emotions, angers, thoughts and fears, like a big old burrito it's time for us to swallow that which we need to digest. The soul is knowable about all the levels of light and life and how it conjoins, separates and comes together again and again. Like a school of dolphins seeking the entrance to ancient Atlantis we too seek knowledge. Many unknowns bump our souls, testing us like a shark in deep dark emotional waters. Within the interdimensional dreaming sequences is a vast Oasis of Healing, a sweetness that may be too much for the five senses of earth. All that we have not addressed or have not healed completely comes into our dream state and dances with our heart; lost loves, lost opportunity, lost hopes.

Night after night, Dream after Dream we do not totally understand, dances with us removing veils of memories and secrets gone by. Healing us like a well-placed dimensional salve. Allowing us to dream within the dream and heal within that place of safety. Quantum dreaming allows you to insert yourself into any interdimensional aspect of yourself. Interacting with the dimensional coils of time, allows entrance into a place of understanding beyond this single reality. The winding road, the road less traveled is strewn with black holes, karmic holes and interdimensional rift raft. This place, time and energy request you become Avatar of self, of soul and intention. Drive the most-high aspect of your earth-self into a place that will karmically heal the earthly matrix and add to planetary peace.

Some of these inter-dimensional dreams are held captive within the Planetary DNA as it unwinds itself within the bloodline and ancestry of your biology and the soul family of your star that marks your heart. We are Stardust in human form seeking to know itself and its Creator. This seeking exists within every step and thought of mankind. Like an explosion of supernova proportioned in a far-off galaxy, 2021 we awaken to an X-Factor that exists in all of us on Earth. We are the leader of the pack of molecules and biology on Earth, we are the Apex that seeks forward movement past limitations etching itself into history and ancestry. We still stand in the turnstile of dimensional truths as we each seek something to keep us buoyant and afloat thru this experience. All of life seems to sink like the Titanic meeting a Zeppelin balloon during a bionic woman episode.

Grasping at straws, picking up sticks, learning how to walk through the muck of other's decisions has made us hardened to the touch like an old cow patty. We do not trust what we read or hear but we know something smells like foul play. Like Pavlov's dogs we have been fooled too many times before creating a cosmic tinnitus. The promised Dinner Bell has brought too many tummy growls and disappointments. In 2021 we will listen to the sound of our own soul, our own thoughts and our divine connection which has been lost in translation this past year. In 2021 We will continue to take flight in and out of time, moving our light towards a homeward beacon seeking to Understand what has been imprinted in our souls during this time of initiation and isolation.


In 2021 the universe finally expands to fit its glorious self

In 2021 as the universe finally expands to fit its glorious self it asks all of its creations to become more as well; to receive more, to create more, and to be more. It pushes itself past previous hindrances into a place of clarity. A great cosmic pulse beats within the galactic heart and IS HEARD throughout the Universes. Declarations of expansion thru all the contractions are heard loud and clear through time and space.

Every thought is as a time piece that commands your immediate attention. Each minute that passes is as a cosmic gift certificate to be spent at the place of choice on the street of desire. Quantities and denominations of this gift certificate are structured and defined to fit earth and her life credits. As the pulse of light strengths in proportion to desired outcomes it moves its awareness forward thru time to look at each and every one of its creations. Seeing how they are spending their life force wisely or foolishly? Benefiting the all or just paying homage to self.

What is less than in time and value is multiplied and extended. Choices are blatantly seen for what they are. Hiding anything is not an option. An evolutionary wave in direct proportion to the creators pulse is felt as the bio-circuitry of all life awakens. Time once obstructed is seen as elastic, bending time forward or backward takes the same force. As mankind changes his awareness of space and time he will release himself from the shackles of past limitations in thinking. The molecules of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are marching thru time and space as we speak, without hesitation.

Stars and galaxies live within the human body and DNA. They are stellar captives of matter who are asking to be set free. Let the universe living within you become its true worth, reach its fullness in time, as you too seek to understand your true value. The universe is moving forward with or without you. New bio-luminance conceptions are coming to the surface of time creating opportunities for the light to express itself. Completion of the old programs begins quickly as the new codes are issued to humanity via the cosmic pulse. All is amplified as light ebbs and flows.

Thought forms of light are ingathered, reevaluated and transmitted to create new worlds. All will be accountable of how they have spent there light. A great gift awaits those that have been strong enough to stay on the path of light during its involution and evolution. The gifts of what is holy will come to a place of saturation and ripeness. Light consciousness from a freestanding source will be conveyed allowing a higher intelligence to be imbued upon those that seek to know. Old ways of thinking will be dissolved and many out dated limitations with them. Divine seeds that have been afraid to sprout now take root in this higher atmosphere of light that houses a deep collective love. By living in a place of light wearing a garment of love humanity will be able to move past the space time fences to a place of new energy codes which will bring a fulfillment that cannot be attained any other way. Messengers of light come to liberate man from a linear existence, opening doors of time (past and present) so humanity can get a clear look at the choices to be made. Mankind will once again be shown how to save itself from a self induced bleak future.