Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Trust your higher guidance.
You are shifting from separation consciousness to unity, cohesion, wholeness.
As you make this leap of faith
there will be daily follow through.
Say what?
Not unique among Earthlings, the idea and belief system through bottom line separation of consciousness only serves as fuel for the lower self, the ego and that which is serves ~ to DIVIDE.
I have heard it all, even labelling different alien types as better than others. Again the separated consciousness only seeking more PROOF OF ITS DIVISION state.
One Thought
You are being given an incredible opportunity to change your Earth plane existence…starting with one thought at a time. There is no great effort involved, no hoops to jump through, no extensive time required. The act of changing one negative to a positive is all it takes. (Smiling) Go as quickly or as slowly as you choose. The world is waiting! ~ Creator
The energy is heavy today, and with the Full Moon in Aries approaching, there is a fair amount of aggression (Mars) energy making itself felt.
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss the higher vibration of Love.
You are living in a time of much new incoming higher vibrational energy that is inviting you to an expanded consciousness and way of being. It is offering you an opportunity for advancement in this time of change. As you receive this new energy, focusing on the higher vibration of Love can help you assimilate it much easier.
Dear Ones, you always know if you are settling. Settling will never give you long term satisfaction because you will be trying to thrive in energies you already know are not a match to who you really are and how you truly wish to live. Love yourselves enough to wait until you align with what excites and delights you. You will save yourselves much time, trouble, and discomfort if you simply have the faith and the patience to hold the space until your heart gives you a resounding yes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Contraction Or Expansion
As a human being, you are either in a state of contraction or expansion; think black hole versus nova. A black hole contracts, pulling everything near it to its center leaving nothing but darkness. A nova, even as a by-product of destruction, creates light beyond measure. This contraction or expansion of the spirit within is your doing, your creation, your choice. ~ Creator
Dear Friends,
The Full Moon in Aries is Thursday, October 1 at 3:05 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
This is the Harvest Moon of the year and it starts the month off with extroverted passion. What are your dreams? What do YOU want to manifest? An inner fire is lighting up your personal desires and prompting you to be more assertive in speaking your mind. Nevertheless, don’t forget to be kind and to seek harmony and balance in your interactions at the same time. Diplomacy goes a long way to establish cooperative alliances and keep relationships in good alignment.
I've spent all day observing these "bizarre" frequencies and energies and how nothing "matches up". This reminds me of 2012 when I went through this in my own reality/process/world for Physical body/Higher Self/Soul Union/Ascension to occur.
Luckily I can work/be/do as I observe all. I kept tuning in, observing what I heard/felt/saw, while paying attention to inside of me and my external reality "out there" as well. NOTHING MATCHING UP... (Read my previous/earlier post earlier today for that info/update)...
Lee: Hola a todos, soy Lee Carroll, estamos emitiendo otro programa llamado Streaming with Lee (transmisión virtual con Lee), este es un programa gratuito, y es algo que realmente disfruto, porque ahora conversaré con Marilyn Harper y esto es libre para todos, entre Marilyn y yo. Vamos a conversar sobre la canalización.
A total Reset button for all of us - in all ways, all forms and all existences.
I don't know about you, but I had to dig deeply into my reserves of inner strength and resilience, and deep abiding Love in the last few months.
I know this is true for so many.
Through it all, I was going through deep inner shifts, and total disintegrating of the Old me, in all forms and expressions. Sometimes it felt like I was dissolving and moving into the state of no-thingness. It was no uncomfortable. It was just as if I was observing this dissolving from above and allowed it to happen, allowing the transformation, transfiguration and going ever deep within to become AS ONE with the Divine Source within.
In the last few weeks, I was guided to truly nurture and allow the New Me to step into form and being. I needed to break away completely, and allow my inner reserves to be renewed, and myself to be rejuvenated in all aspects, and with it, the deepest reconnection to All-That-Is, the Truth of who and what I Am.
One can only do this in quietude and stillness - in breaking away, breaking free and truly allowing the inner transformation to happen in deep Beingness and being fully Present.
I am sharing this with you today, for I know a lot of you are going through the same process.
We are in a massive acceleration in octaves of energetic changes and recreation in the highest degrees.
We cannot move into these higher octaves within the old structures, the old forms. This is not only for the individual, but applies to the collective as well. This is why all is a in state of seeming chaos right now, but within the seeming chaos, lie the seeds of the New and much Higher Octaves of life and living.
Allow the changes to sweep through you and do not cling onto anything of the old, which includes the judgements, the duality, the polarity, and whatever else.
We are in the process of assuming a much higher Lightbody and thus a much higher octave of existence.
It is truly a gift to be embraced by staying ever present in the here and now and allowing the growing within to happen, like a seed bursting through the soil. Note that it needs the inner resilience, and strength and courage to break through the seeming barriers of the soil, but once it sprouts forth and meets the sun, it has renewed impetus and renewed strength to grow ever taller into the fullness of its Being!
Judith Kusel
People begin to seek miracles when they come to the realization that the mind has taken them as far as it can go. It is the profound act of shifting out of the mind into your faith with a willingness to both be moved and receive that makes miracles possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Some intense Space Weather happening right now as we head towards the Full Moon on the 1st of October.
These Auroras, pictures taken near Tromso in Norway, are the most beautiful Divine Feminine Pink.
The Sacred energy of the Sophia/Shekinah is flooding our Earth as we prepare for the shifts and changes of the next two months.