lunes, agosto 24, 2020
Lisa Renee - Atlantian Mystery Schools
During the timeline of Atlantian Mystery Schools, each of the 12 Tribes held one of the twelve holographic discs containing specific spiritual knowledge about their tribe’s affiliation and its related ascendancy information, that connected into the complete records of the earth as a genetic living library for the Cosmos.
The caretaking and ongoing preservation of the historical knowledge of humanities cosmic origins, the ancient wisdom of the Law of One teachings, and the detailed knowledge of the workings of the planetary templar were entrusted to be guarded by each of the tribes of Maji Priest Kings. The Maji Priest Kings were the spiritual leadership, and were organized and assembled in rainbow round tables within the Atlantian Mystery Schools to meditate and unite their consciousness to perform a variety of tasks to protect the earth’s consciousness field. The Maji Priest Kings met regularly in council settings in order to accurately translate, study and protect the historical information constantly upgrading on the discs, based upon the genetic histories related to each of the 12 Tribes that were originally seeded on the earth. They understood the Galactic War in the higher dimensional planes would in all probability enter the earth plane during the shift into the Dark Aeon, and they did whatever they could to preserve the history of the 12 Tribes and ancient human civilizations.
The historical and genetic knowledge gained from the holographic discs was fully understood to be sourced from the original Universal Emerald Founder Records, which detailed the entire angelic human historical timelines and the seeding of the Solar Systems. Therefore, this ancient knowledge was held with the highest spiritual reverence and blessed respect, as these holographic discs were known to be the most sacred wisdom and holy records that belonged to all angelic human beings, on the earth and beyond. Thus, this ancient wisdom was compiled and administered to by the Maji Priest Kings and their Essene teams of advanced spiritual initiates that took a role similar to post graduate scholars, working to preserve ancient knowledge for their community and culture.
All of the 12 Human tribal groups appointed representatives that were working together within the great Universal library that functioned as the colony’s main academic institution for the public’s ongoing education and consciousness exploration, intended for personal spiritual development and fulfilling the divine commission of DNA Assembly. In the ancient world before the Flood, human civilizations included many great libraries that were filled with repositories of vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom that interconnected between the sciences and spirituality into a single unifying theology, that functioned as both universities and spiritual development centers. This was similar to entering a sacred space of which to learn, study and meditate upon the Founders ancient wisdom within a spiritual temple or monastery setting.
The great Library of Alexandria in Egypt was the last significant library on the earth that acted as the repository for recording what was known about the Universal Laws and Hermeticism, as translated from and found in the manuscripts copied from the Emerald Founder Records. Thus, in the ancient world Alexandria was the capital of knowledge and true learning, which was modeled directly from those who still remembered the great libraries and educational centers that had existed long before in the Atlantian Colonies.
Right before the Atlantian Flood, the Thothian Luciferians gathered as the Snake Brotherhood Kings and made a secret pact called the Luciferian Covenant for the eventual goal of ruling over all of humanity on the earth plane, by further intending to take control over the Souls during the death passage. This was a long-term plan which was to be implemented over thousands of years while waiting for the culmination of the earth’s precession in the 2012 and beyond timeline, by intending to take full possession over the earth surface during the pinnacle of the Ascension cycle. Effectively, they intentionally planned to destroy access to the sacred knowledge of the original Emerald Founder Records and obliterate any evidence of Ancient Builder Technologies that were built throughout the advanced human civilizations, that had made spectacular achievements in erecting monumental architecture during the flourishing of the Atlantian Colonies. Thus, they intentionally destroyed access to advanced technology through the orchestration of a terrible cataclysm that would return humanity back into the dark ages and subject them to mind wipe, in which they would lose awareness of their previous history and true identity. This was orchestrated during the time cycle when the earth would be travelling within its darkest phase in the lowest density vibration, right after the tragic events of the Luciferian Rebellion. The intruder races exploited this extremely dark phase during the dark aeon to install an array of dark alien technology, in order to render humanity into slaves and eventually rule as the unchallenged Gods of the earth, that would continue to carry over into the future time cycles.
Thus, the Brotherhood of the Snake secretly and methodically infiltrated the Atlantian Mystery Schools and the Great Libraries in order to acquire all of the Law of One and human tribal knowledge for themselves, before intentionally confiscating the records that were in the possession of the Maji Grail Kings, in their planned takeover of the earth. Effectively, they were stealing knowledge crystals and meticulously copying over the Essene ancient written translations that contained the original Emerald Founder holographic records, in order to use that knowledge as a consciousness weapon against humanity.
During the aftermath of the Atlantian Cataclysm, some of these Founder Record translations were captured and inverted for the purposes of falsifying the historical records. This information was twisted in order to set forth an assortment of imposter generated, falsified, belief systems that were then groomed into NAA based religions. The main purpose was to ensure that the original Founder Records and sacred wisdom was not made directly available to the angelic human races, and to set forth a new groundwork of control through designing belief systems, fed through sequential releases of this spiritual information to be made increasingly public. External corrupt authorities were assigned responsibility for disseminating and controlling all of the spiritual interpretations and translations that were made available to educate the general population. Denying the general population direct access to knowledge and advanced information, they intentionally hid it and lied about it - a strategy still in use today.
The goal was that the Thothian group behind the Brotherhood of the Snake would continually maintain control over how, what and when particular knowledge from the Founder Records would be disseminated to the masses and to slowly package it as a worldwide religious control mechanism. Essentially taking the Founder records and weaponizing them into a fear-based narrative that would be enforced by threats or shaming by some externally created authority, hidden behind the religious or dogmatic structure. Further, they would install their own rulership in the pyramidal hierarchical control of these organizations, where the negative aliens would set themselves up to be the capstone monarch and worshipped as the one true God. From this set up with the embedded mind control mechanism, they could pick and choose what human groups were being most compliant to serve the NAA from the alien hybrid bloodlines, and they would give them access to the higher knowledge. While the genetic undesirables were in those groups that would be dumbed down into the slave class, further generating division and DNA digression in the 12 Tribes through perpetuating the Master-Slave archetypes.
Essene Massacre
Approximately 22,000 YA, Thoth led a militarized event which resulted in the Essene Massacre, murdering the males and taking their sacred marriage female partners hostage for forced hybridization breeding on Nibiru. Thoth stole theCDT platethat was in their possession, and from this stolen work he wrote down the information that would later become the basis of the teachings of Hermeticism and the Emerald Tablet. Thus, in human hidden history, this is the trigger timeline event that changed the future of human evolution, in forming the controlled beliefs and Luciferian elitism around Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and the Secret Societies. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion.
It was during the Essene Massacre that Thoth was able to steal the holographic plate from the Maji Grail King of the 11th human tribe, gaining access to cosmic schematics of immortality alchemy, and become the revered author of what has spawned into many esoteric texts and spiritual traditions. During the Middle Kingdom timelines, he incarnated as a powerful Magician and Egyptian Priest, and became known on the earth as the author of what would be referred to as Hermeticism.
The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists in the Middle Ages as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition.
Thoth incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that Mystery Schools were flourishing in Egyptian culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantian conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing Guardian Alliance mission on the ground that Hatshepsut, Akhenaton and others had accepted. During multiple Egyptian timelines, he promoted himself as the direct scribe and speaker on behalf of the Gods.
(Source: Ascension Glossary - Atlantian Mystery Schools)
Ángeles de Crystal