
domingo, agosto 02, 2020

L’Aura Pleiadian - TIME Warp or PARALLEL World Shift? - Aug 2, 2020

Or are they the same thing?

Way back in supposed Earth time ~ November 2019, I experienced going through an a holding space, while I was HELD in the transference phase of the NEW Earth. I heard people crying and all these world events around me were taking place. The Earth as I knew it was dissolving.

Then comes in Covid 19. I was shown in early December some major events would take place which would allow people a greater opportunity to enter their heart. For this transition to the NEW Earth.

YET how is it even August Earth time? All of these daily living changes started for most in March 2020. Is it really 5 months later? Where did the so called time go.

I know I have been held in this time warp, in between parallel worlds. Sometimes going in and out of various worlds. Then back into the holding space, a sort of in between holding space.

Time in itself on Earth is a marker of seasons and events. Yet the entire world has changes and continues to change. To break down the old systems set in place by an outmoded system, that was destined to fall. Or at least collapse and then be built anew.

Will greater events take place? We have Covid 19, the protests, the no longer accepting what once was acceptable.

Will banks and governments be reset and start anew? This and more is on the table for sure as things continue to dissolve. And we see for ourselves the NEW replacing what once was.

We see couples living across borders finding a way to get married and be together. Amidst the closed borders of Canada and the United States. WE see people realizing love and equality among all people is the way to be at peace. WE see love finding its way as priorities have changed and are in the midst of even greater changes.

So if this marks time on Earth, then so be it.

The phases of this transition are based through worlds upon worlds, mixing and integrating different ways of being.

We see and know love as the energy that holds things together.

I know love is all that I am. The eternal me, the DIVINE Being that knows not time. As the transitioning place of being, is always held throughout eternity in this love filled holding space of the heart.

This too as the powerful Divine Power that it is. Draws and brings about the changes. In perfect timing in a world lost to time. Finding its new way of being here amongst us.

In this the eternal love, we activate all hearts now. THROUGH it. In the holding space between and through all worlds, Now and forever, in love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2020.