
domingo, agosto 30, 2020

Judith Kusel - Open the heart center - August 30, 2020

Open the heart center.

Allow yourself to be cleaved open and allow all which is no longer serving your highest soul growth to be released.

Allow yourself to be emptied, totally emptied, in order to be totally filled.

Let go of the past, and all personas you ever took on and wore like a mask:- let your highest soul self emerge, the Source Self within you.

Let the past be past.

Let the future be.

Be fully present in the here and now.

Let gratitude dwell within you and find its eternal home within you, for indeed blessings flow through the grateful heart and soul.

Allow eternal Love and eternal Light to pour through you into the world. Become the Source of Loving Unity and Higher Healing by living this.

Allow the Divine Source Love, Light and Power to be the filling of you, As One.

Embrace infinity within you and all around you.

All is One.

Judith Kusel


Jean-Luc Bozzoli