
sábado, agosto 01, 2020

Judith Kusel - As we are stepping ever higher into our new crystalline energy body - Aug 1, 2020

As we are stepping ever higher into our new crystalline energy body, note that you will now operate on a much higher frequency band, where life becomes more non-physical and lost its denseness.

Indeed life itself will be lived out more on energetic levels than in the physical.

You literally do not need to physically travel anywhere - you can be there instantly at any moment you are choosing to be there.

More than this our relationships will change and be in energetic forms and higher levels as we will start attracting and interacting more with those who are in the same frequency and vibration as we are in the 5D and higher, as those chosing to stay in the 3D will be filtered out, via the dimensional energy we are now embracing fully.

It is therefore wise to not hold onto or attach to anything anymore.
The dimensional shift is accelerating as the Fires of Purification are sweeping the earth.

We are in for more powerful and drastic frequency changes and therefore rapidly shifting now.

Judith Kusel