
domingo, agosto 09, 2020

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Lions Gate Energies = More Visits from E.T.s - Aug 9, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing how humanity has been handling the onslaught of higher vibrational energies that you have experienced there since the Lions Gate Portal has been wide open. And we are pleased to share with you all that the work you have been doing on yourselves has paid off tremendously. You have been establishing new timelines, creating new gridlines, and receiving activations to your chakras, as well as being able to receive more in your energy fields.

You have been anchoring in that which humanity needs because of that desire that you have to be of service, and you are all awake enough to know that all the changes you want to see on your planet are going to come because of you and your grounded spirituality. These changes are going to occur because individuals like you have been able to open up and receive all that your fellow humans have been summoning. You have agreed to play this role, and you have had enough practice, and you have suffered from enough ascension symptoms now to where you know what you are doing.

You know how to handle these energies and make them available to others. You are the ones who will take the energies coming in at this time and co-create a version of Earth that will propel the human consciousness into a fifth-dimensional frequency state. You are the grassroots movement. You are the ground crew, and you have impressed so many of your extra-terrestrial friends that you can expect more visitations on a personal level, and you can expect them very soon.

You have demonstrated to us, and to all of the other beings and collectives that have been helping you, that you are ready for more. You have demonstrated that you are ready to go further while the portal is still open, and we can speak for ourselves when we say that we are not holding back, because we’ve seen what you can handle, and we know who you really are.

And now is the perfect time to begin the time in your lives where you will take that leadership role, where you will guide your fellow humans. And it is the perfect time for you to also experience more ease in your own lives. We are so very happy to be on this journey with you and to see you progressing every single day.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton