
jueves, agosto 06, 2020

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - August 2020 - Aug 6, 2020

Pleiadian Message August 2020
Thursday, August 06, 2020

Beloved ones we greet you, We bring to you a series of transmissions that carry light elements of creation. As you choose to align within your Heart, these transmissions will naturally reconnect you to your Higher Realm Self. Each time you hold your Heart you become more empowered through these realignments.

We are holding the Platform for the Earth and for humanity to move into another level of transmutation. The Network Grid of God light is expanding daily, opening the doorway for you to enter a new realm of consciousness. This is a time for you to reclaim your heritage of light, which has always been an extension of your natural makeup.

This is your time to thrive within a new arena of consciousness. Through your heart you can navigate your way Home. Through your Heart you bypass the 3rd dimensional chaos and become stabilized within a peace and clarity.

All is in hand within the reality of Truth. Reach within your Heart and reclaim moments within the peace and understanding within your Heart.

Be still. Take moments within the stillness of your Heart to build a new equilibrium within yourself. This is your time to create change within yourself.

Love exists within your Heart. Love heals and fortifies your Spirit. Align to the love within your Heart and celebrate in the moments of stillness. We witness you!


The Pleiadians