
lunes, julio 06, 2020

Sue Lie and Danny L. - Questions and Answers - July 6, 2020


Greetings Dear Readers

Danny has collected many of the questions and answers that have shown up on my You Tube. It is our idea that you may be able to see how others are feeling and thinking about these days.

We hope that as you look at what others have been thinking about and asking questions about, more questions and answers will come into you awareness.

In other words, we are putting up these questions so that you can see how others are thinking in this NOW in which there are so many changes within the people, the places, the situations, and things, that are occurring within this your self, and with the many aspects of your life.

We hope that you will also realize that you are not alone and that there are many other people that having similar experiences, thoughts, questions and answers.


Sue Lie and Danny L.
