jueves, julio 09, 2020
L’Aura Pleiadian - INSIDE Our LIGHT/SPACE SHIP - Jul 9
As the ROOM Dissolved around me and before me appeared the entrance way to the Mother SHIP ~ I WAS greeted by other multidimensional Beings that welcomed me once again, onto this beautiful LIGHT ship. Guardians of this Galaxy were present as well as those Ascended Beings I have travelled with before.
Yet all of it is now. FOR NOW. From this lightship we activate YOU. As this multidimensional embodiment carries all the frequencies NOW.
Since before Earth and even before this UNIVERSE. I am present, with you.
Our frequency and message is love. Many of us know our home prior to this landing on Earth being stationed on Venus. We are the LOVE beings, that radiate the frequency of LOVE.
True love is multidimensional as it is ALL Encompassing on and through all levels of being.
WE transmit this now, yes on our spaceship and also present here embodying what you call a body. It is all made up of frequencies to us. The eternal stream of true love embodies NON separation. From All aspects of being.
With the Divine Ascended Masters, on the throne of love and GLORY with the BELOVED ONE, in perfect LOVE, we activate you now. Throughout the levels. Throughout the universe. THROUGHOUT all experiences of NOW. As there is NO separation in the frequency of love. Embodying it ALL ~ radiating now, transforming form.
Throughout the Universe in our LIGHT ship, activating LOVE.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2020.
Ángeles de Crystal