
lunes, julio 20, 2020

Denise Le Fay - Crystallizing Shift - July 20, 2020

This is another article that’s not a convenient One Size Fits All article for the honest reason that not everyone is at the same level of development, consciousness, focus and embodiment of the NEW Light and codes. For that reason this article will require the reader to be self-reflective and honest. Unfortunately not everyone is capable of doing this however. Discernment and honesty will get you far whereas self-delusion, wishful or magical thinking won’t. There is no end, no final completion point with any of this so just relax into your ongoing evolutionary ascension journey no matter which energy stair-step you or I or anyone else is currently on. Every step is important and needed because each one alters you a little more.

There are many people who still believe that The Shift is a singular instantaneous ‘Event’ that’s going to happen in a split second like a Hollywood movie special effect. That would be lovely but the entire Ascension Process has not happened like that throughout Phase 1 and won’t in Phase 2 for the same reasons mentioned in the first paragraph. Not every human alive on Earth is at the same level of individual development, awareness, consciousness and process of embodying the NEW evolutionary codes and Light etc. Again, that would be lovely if they were and god knows it would make the Ascension Process more spectacular and quick than it already is but, again, it is not going to happen that way because mass humanity is absolutely not capable of making such an enormous energetic physical Shift together at the same time. If mass humanity were much more spiritually energetically developed and embodied physically than they are, then this current Ascension Process might have aimed for a one & done singular Shift Event. Because mass humanity isn’t developed enough to do that, the many incremental energy stair-steps are the way we’ve gone and are available for each person to make their way up, one step at a time if needed.
In 2019 I wrote a couple of articles about how Phase 2 of the Ascension Process (January 2020) was the start point for certain “regular people” to begin the Ascension Process. This is and will continue happening in different Wave Groups of “regular people”. By regular people I mean people who don’t know about the evolutionary Ascension Process and everything that goes with it and why. There are people starting to have their hearts and minds opened and find they cannot stand living in the old lower frequency world anymore and are demanding reality change immediately. Those are the regular people of the First Wave Group in Phase 2 we’ve been seeing in 2020 so far who are ready for evolutionary changes in physical reality. There will be a Second Wave Group of “regular people” later and a Third Wave Group after them as more and more people are activated to evolve out of what has been and start their individual processes of moving up those ascension energy stair-steps.
The different incarnate Wave Groups of VOLUNTEER Pathpavers helped build and anchor the ascension energy stair-steps throughout Phase 1 (and some even a decade or two before that) for all of humanity to use now and in the near future. In Phase 2 (2020 and beyond) we’re seeing the First Wave Group of regular people start up them. Everything will unfold incredibly faster now that we’re in the higher frequency range of the NEW codes and energies and the First Wave Group of regular people have been activated to rapidly evolve.
I recapped the above because many of the Volunteers, the First Everythingers as I’ve called us — Starseeds, Transmuters, Embodiers, Conscious Creators, Pathpavers, Wayshowers etc. — have been experiencing increased not here and not there either accelerated periods of more releasing of our personal memories and emotional connections. Phase 2 stay-at-HOME  2020 time has been extra odd and for many of the First Everythingers there’s been a lot more offloading of our life memories.
In 2009 I perceived that soon I would be forgetting my life memories from this and past lives and because of this I should quickly write a book about some of my Volunteer multidimensional positive and negative Duality frequency and reality experiences before I evolved beyond that frequency range. So I quickly did just that and by January 2010, A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution went on the market. Here we are all these years later and many Volunteers have been experiencing increased personal final phase inner housecleaning. This hasn’t been intentional on our parts this year but we’re in the final phase of releasing more old lower frequencies, grids, patterns, templates etc. internally and externally and that includes many of our personal memories in them.
As the external old lower 3D patriarchal Earth world reality disintegrates and disappears, so too are many if not all of our personal memories of our lives lived in it. With every magnetic fluctuation and change, what magnetically held old lower frequency Earth reality and our memories of our lives and experiences in it—both the old external magnetic Earth Grids and our internal magnetic body Grids—are dying and disappearing. Just this alone is a strange and intense state of transitional being as the disassembling of the old world and simultaneous construction of the NEW pushes us to complete the releasing of any remaining unnecessary and misaligned sense of our old self and matching memory tidbits and willfully, deliberately reside in the NEW completely free from the past.
Because of this many have been having more unexpected mind’s eye visuals of personal past events, even some dream events, people, pets, beings, aliens, loved ones etc. in 2020 that meant something to the old us in the old Earth world flash quickly in higher vision as our final goodbyes to them all. Our old lower frequency lives have literally been ‘flashing before our eyes’ because we’ve been dying to them for years. These rapid Phase 2 2020 visuals are the final steps of our releasing our pasts. It’s a completion of the 2012 Three Days Life Review everyone went through at some point from December 21, 22, 23, 2012. These sorts of processes normally take place after we’ve physically died, but during this Ascension Process we’ve been doing them while very much alive, conscious and in our current ascending physical bodies. Needless to say they’ve been incredibly unusual experiences of incrementally dying over the years while alive and incrementally ascending to higher and higher levels of being and reality. In my previous article I asked, how naked can you get now?  This is another aspect of this deeper releasing of the old Earth world and our lives, experiences and memories in it. As the old lower frequency 3D patriarchal Earth world and reality has been disassembling throughout these ascension years, we have been too of course. We’ve been dying and disengaging from it for many years, many Volunteers for over two decades, and now in Phase 2 we’ve reached an important stair-step shift point.
One of many things the human ‘stay-at-home’ COVID-19 pandemic order is at higher levels was/is to abruptly force everyone worldwide to stop mindlessly, habitually doing and living what has been of the dying old lower Earth world, stop repeatedly running round and round on the old human hamster wheel and release the old past and shift focus and intent and stay-at-HOME in your HighHeart and start living on higher frequency NEW Earth, not dying and disappearing old lower Earth. Divine Source has put every human on Earth, including every Volunteer, in a loving but stern parental timeout period to help humanity physically start the shift now. That is what the 2020 Divine Cease & Desist Order is and will continue to be.
In February 2020 when I became aware of the COVID-19 pandemic I instantly knew there would be three global waves of it. It’s close to the end of July 2020 as I write this and we’re deep in the first wave of the pandemic. There’s two more pandemic waves to come and they’re for the people who need more linear time, and incentives, to make the Phase 2 ascension shift. Plus the rapid dismantling of old patriarchal Earth structures and systems etc. Many are fighting this evolutionary shift and like children are rebelling against it. They want their freedom to continue being selfish patriarchal assholes and idiots. Not a smart move on their parts during major evolutionary times and the return of Divine Mother/Mommy but to each his own. This is another reason why three pandemic waves — it gives the unaware human population fighting and resisting positive change, growth and evolution ascension a bit more linear time to get with the higher program and make the shift into the NEW higher everything internally and externally.
Remember what I mentioned above about the different Wave Groups of regular people being activated now and at different times and in different groups in the near future to shift and begin the Ascension Process? The three waves of the COVID-19 pandemic are also connected to that and will work as triggers for more and more people to start the evolutionary Ascension Process and shift to NEW Earth in these different regular people Wave Groups and the three different pandemic waves. Again, things look like they’re one thing when in fact they’re something very different and positive in multiple ways and levels for mass humanity. They’re energy stair-steps that humanity now must begin shifting up.
Just because I shared that information does NOT mean that you and I and others in the know are going to have to live through all three pandemic waves. We are and have been for many years up many more energy stair-steps than mass humanity. We First Everythingers, Pathpavers etc. have existed at higher frequency levels for years or decades already, it’s just that Phase 2 of the Ascension Process has activated the ascension for all of humanity in 2020 and beyond. Do NOT worry about the pandemic waves and ongoing collapses of the old lower frequency world and systems and just continue doing what we’ve been doing all along.
Normally I don’t share certain information like times or dates and such as I just did saying that there’s three pandemic waves to unfold. I usually don’t share that sort of information publicly because too many people misunderstand, misinterpret or fixate on the times, dates, amounts etc. instead of on what’s actually happening and why and what they individually should be doing within themselves. The only really important information is that it’s in you, not external, but internal within you. Always Work from HOME. 😉
I’ve experienced this numerous times over these ascension years but I want to share a recent energy stair-step change I made the other day. Friday, July 17, 2020, I experienced another round of incoming higher plasma Light wave intensity tango-ing that for me typically connects with the area above my physical head first, then enters my head and does all those fun and exciting NEW things in there for a while, then it travels further down and enters my HighHeart and does all those fun and exciting NEW things in there too. Head pains, pressures etc. then heart and entire upper chest into the back at the same level thumps, bumps, severe at times poundings, rattlings and intense internal shaking that’s become violent from one perspective after nineteen years of my living this ongoing progression of embodying more and higher. 
Thankfully when these types of extra intense ascension embodying periods get to be too much I’m usually released from my body which just means I fall asleep during embodying more NEW higher energies. It’s faster and easier for me to just get out of the way physically for a while by taking an energy nap break and fall asleep while my physical body embodies, takes on and is permanently changed by what’s happened to it. In this case I was asleep for almost three hours and when I woke up that afternoon, I did so in another timeline.
This is fairly simple and easy and it goes like this. More NEW higher energies arrive and need to be embodied. Those energies make contact with your physical body and the internal embodiment of them begins. This process typically causes some physical discomfort and/or outright pains, pressures, aches etc. After the energy or energies have been physically embodied you will either wake up or sense or instantly know that because you’ve just embodied more NEW higher energies you have changed energetically again which automatically causes you to evolve up one or more ascension energy stair-steps which automatically and naturally deposits you in another higher frequency which can also be called another “timeline”.  One, two, three and boom! you’re now in a higher frequency, place, world, timeline for the simple reason that you embodied some more incoming NEW higher energies and moved up one or more energy ascension stair-steps.
It Goes Without Saying
It goes without saying that our ascension lives have been weird and strange and that they’re getting even more so now in Phase 2. The more the energies change, the more we change, the more external reality changes. The more the old external Earth world disintegrates, the more our personal memories of lives spent in it as those selves are disintegrating within us. Our old lives on old lower frequency Earth have been flashing before our eyes as they disintegrate from our memories. The fluctuating magnetic energies have been helping us and Earth free ourselves of those final old reality-holding energy patterns (grids) and shift out of them and increasingly into the NEW and NEW Earth.
It goes without saying that all these ascension-related higher frequency energy changes will continue to cause us and our physical bodies and everything else to feel all sorts of highly unusual things. In so many ways we’ve been dying, we’ve been transitioning while alive and in our current physical bodies and I mean this literally. The Volunteers have been going through this since 1998–1999, but now in Phase 2, the first Wave Group of “regular people” have started doing it. It goes without saying that it has been and will continue to be colossally strange for the rest of our lives. It goes without saying… Ride this thing for all its worth because it’s rare and you’re notably fortunate to be incarnate now in physical-level evolutionary ground zero. We’ve often bitched and whined about how brutal, painful and difficult it all can be at times but it is very rare and there was an extremely long queue line of Souls wanting to get in here and live it physically.
Spiritual growing pains caused by natural evolution. In other words, the very ground under me, under you, under all of us just isn’t there right now because we’re that far into the Separation of Worlds Shift. We’re in-between. We’re in transition. We’re in evolutionary induced metamorphism. We’re not stable. We’re not solid. We’re not what has been but we aren’t yet fully what we’re becoming because we’re quantum and Working this thing from multiple points and levels simultaneously. And sometimes that makes it more than a little weird here in physical incarnate ground zero, but that goes without saying…
While all these bizarre things not only continue but grow and accelerate in Phase 2, many of the Embodiers are also experiencing more NEW abilities which also should go without saying. Phase 2 activated what all the “regular people” have been experiencing in 2020 so far, and the same is true for the Volunteers and first to Embody but at much higher and more complex levels. Stair-steps remember? The Volunteers and Embodiers have had our lives turned upside down too and we’ve been living and learning under the Divine mandatory Cease & Desist Order in 2020 as well. We’ve just been doing it at higher levels just as we have since Phase 1 started.
I’ll say this again — there are very important reasons why the Volunteers are under this Divine Cease & Desist Order and it is so we’ll move into, shift into the next higher NEW level and start more individual transformations.
Like everything else it continues getting more and more obvious as to who is Embodying and who is not and that’s okay, be aware, honest and don’t delude yourself about others. Personally, what I’ve been dealing with in much greater ways in Phase 2 so far this year is my becoming increasingly sovereign energetically. Everything is at this point wholly internal. I’ve been more conscious of my abilities to be a Conscious Creator and that what I intentionally dictate, instruct and charge is now finally manifesting quickly physically. As great as that is and sounds, it carries much personal responsibility, Higher Awareness and utter and constant personal honesty. My events are all internal in Phase 2 because that is the next level of Embodiment — individually becoming increasingly energetically sovereign, responsible for the reality I want to experience and live in now, living constantly from my HighHeart, Consciously Creating from there and giving my creations the focus needed to crystallize into physicality, and not look outside myself for much of anything. We’ll continue these topics in Comments if interested.  
Denise Le Fay

July 20, 2020

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2020. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.com and Copyright Notice is included.