
miércoles, junio 17, 2020

Sandra Walter - All Hearts on Deck :: A powerful Solstice weekend is upon us! - June 17, 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

All Hearts on Deck :: A powerful Solstice weekend is upon us!

Much intel has been shared on how strong this weekend will be. This is the second eclipse in the Triple-Eclipse passage, with deep mystical significance and activation of some very ancient stargates and a strong cosmic wave.

Mark your calendars, clear your schedule, prepare and focus on ushering in a brand new level of Light, Love and Unity Consciousness.

This is a major Galactic Convergence, alignment with the Galactic Ecliptic, and a Superwave of Crystalline Light from the Great Central SUN. Ancient organic Stargates and celestial pathways are opened. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, and Embodiers, this is what we trained for!

Multiple Mass meditations will be held. Add your pure heart intent and light to these events. Hold the vision and feeling of the most maginifcent heart openings, DNA activations and Ascension experience for all concerned.

Another amplification of Creator skills; Call the highest outcomes and New Earth Now into BEingness with every thought, word and action.


Saturday, June 20: Solstice Global Mass Meditations

Solstice SUNrise in Sedona

7AM - 7:33AM PDT/AZ time (UTC -7)

Live at Cathedral Rock (see Facebook event for details)
Or join us in the Unified Field of Divine Love (offline.)

NOTE: This is a busy Saturday in a tourist town. We will meet in person for the first Solstice SUNrise meditation, however we will not have an official group meetup for the afternoon and eclipse peak global meditations.

Solstice Peak Meditation

2:30 – 3pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7)

(Solstice peak at 2:43 PM PDT)
Join us in the Unified Field of Divine Love (offline.)

Solstice Eclipse Meditation

11:30 – 12 midnight Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7)

(Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse at 11:40 PM PDT)
Join us in the Unified Field of Divine Love (offline.)

SUNday June 21
SUNday Unity Meditations

5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC -7)

Anchoring the wave through the collective HUman Heart Grid and Gaia's reactivated organic Crystalline Grid systems.


Details and Time Converters for Global Meditations at http://www.sandrawalter.com/unity

Triple-Eclipse article with guidance and prep tips HERE

Youtube interview on this passage is HERE

Eclipse Embodiment webinar replay is HERE.

Sending everyone Divine LoveLight to integrate the current Crystalline activations with ease and grace. We usher in a brand new level of Divine Embodiment and pure Unity Consciousness. Keep your heart aligned with your highest intent.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with #Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,
