
viernes, junio 19, 2020

Judith Kusel - A time in intense inner higher healing is upon us - June 19, 2020

A time in intense inner higher healing is upon us.

The healing of old past lives and the emotional baggage, the negative cords, ties, attachments, and whatever created the negative karmic patterns, as now being shown up, and brought to the fore, that we can finally forgive, let go of the old patterns we created, (this includes this lifetime) and ascend further into the higher dimensions, without being constantly pulled down again, in the old patterns, the old programming, the old habits and whatever else created all of this.

I had some immense and intense revelations and higher Healing in the last few weeks, and this morning in particular. I cannot even try to put this into words, for it fails me.

What the Divine then told me, is that we, in this very moment, have the opportunity to truly ask for releasing of old negative karmic patterns, and whatever we experienced in past lives, which kept us repeating the same old stuff over and over again.

The Fires of Purification as sweeping the planet, even into the deepest bowls of the earth and beyond. These are the Fires such as have never been released before, and they are purifying into the deepest wounds of humanity at large.

Massive and intense changes are happening on all levels and in all planes of existence! I cannot stress just how profound this is - again I am at loss for words.

Please, take a moment this weekend, to be quiet and still and then ask that the old negative karma be released, the old negative relationship cords, hooks, ties, contracts, and vows, and whatever else is there, you may not even be aware of right now.

What I have found is that as I went through intense moments, things would be revealed to me, which I was not even conscious of, but this needed to be brought up, so that it could be forgiven and released.

Do not think because you have done the cleansing and clearing before, that there is not anything left. In the last few weeks and in the coming days, all your lifetimes are on review, even those you have forgotten about!

Ask for higher healing.

Ask for release, and be totally open and honest about it, and allow yourself to truly face whatever comes up, for often the deepest traumas and pain, are deeply buried, and when it comes up, there may be denial or shock: - allow this to surface and then allow forgiveness to come to the fore, for yourself and others.

Let go of all guilt, shame and blame: no one is a victim! All are but soul lessons in mastery, and now, as we need to step up in Mastery for the 5D and higher, we need to handle these as Masters, and learn the true art of forgiveness and Loving Grace, and which means the memory banks are completely cleared and what has been before, is no more!

What an immense gift this is: - we are being freed from the Wheels of Karma, if we so choose.

You have free will and choice.

It is up to you to make use of this immense opportunity, or not.

Once you have found the deepest higher healing, gratitude comes in waves and waves. It is only then when you realize how much of the old patterns and old negative karma ran you in this lifetime! It is only when we are released, the shackles and bonds come off, that we realize what true Soul Empowerment and Freedom means!

We are rising in Love and with Love!

Judith Kusel
