
sábado, junio 27, 2020

Judith Kusel - Rejoice the New Earth! - June 27, 2020

The World and Humanity is taking on a totally new form and expression. The Old world does in truth not exist anymore – what is still existing is the illusion of the old world and the old-world orders. Duality. Separation.

It is almost like the Old World’s ghosts and all the emotional charges, the mental programming and all which with it, is spurning out and spinning out, coughing up, the old dramas, the old dualities and separation one more time, but the more it does so, the function and purpose it serves.

It is almost a desperate attempt by the Old Order, the Old Programming to stay in form, yet the more it tries to stay in form, the more form-less it becomes, the more it is spun out of form and the more it panics.

What has already emerged and is indeed already her, underneath our feet and within our own bodies and forms and ever present already in our souls, is the New Earth and the New Golden Age. It is pulsating and it is pouring in! The Floodgates of Heavens have opened, and it is now truly making itself felt.

The old dualities, the old separation, cannot hold form in the New Earth. It dissolves before it can even try and take form.

The New Earth is vibrant, she is a beautiful, vibrant, healthy and alive Being, and she is dancing and singing with joy! She has been reborn into the 5th and now rushing with exuberance and exultation into the 7th, her original form! She is not alone: – for the whole solar system and Milky Way Galaxies are ascending with her and she is literally being pulled by a massive Cosmic Tidal Wave of change, into the highest dimensions. Yet, she is riding that Tidal Wave with joy! She is laughing and singing, as she has been freed from the shackles and bonds which held her prisoner for so long in the 3D, and the utmost density. All is no more!

And you, who are still hovering between the worlds, between the old density of forms and old separation and old alienation and programming and all the 3D entails, awaken!

For in truth, you will find you cannot hold form anymore. Yet, you are changing, and the more you try to desperately cling onto anything, the more it will vaporize and disappear.

Let go of the old attachments. Let go of the old forms.

You cannot ever be separated from the Divine, nor the Divinity within you! You are indeed ONE with all of Creation. Creation lives and breathes THROUGH you! You are a Divine Soul and you are a Cosmic Citizen! You are the Divine Presence here on earth through your soul. Allow the Divine Source to fill you and guide you and become through you!

The more you lose the persona, the ego, the freer you become. You are All-That-Is and All-That-Is is you!

You carried the Omni-Verse within you!

Instead of fearing the changes and the dissipation of all that was before, welcome it in!

Fear only clogs up the energy fields in and around you and holds you prisoner, inert and unable to move.

All the old programming, all the old emotions, all the old thought and thought systems, have in truth gone! What is left is the ILLUSION of such! The Maya, which was created by humankind itself! The Maya is no more! It only exists in your own imagination!

There is nothing to fear – but rather to embrace!

Yes, it can feel as if everything is disintegrating and you are too. That is indeed what is meant to happen. For the old you, cannot hold form anymore.

Formlessness is indeed another state of Being.

Form and formless are one and the same!

Out of the formless New Creation arises!

If you desperately want to be in charge, if you cling onto your old self, the more you will find it vaporizes. It is all good!

The New Earth is filled with Unity, Harmony, Abundance, Co-Creatorship, Peace, and Immense Heart Expanded Awareness, steeped in the Knowing that one is Divine within! One is a Universal Being! Nothing is impossible anymore – all is possible when it is manifest into form through the open-heart center and with great love!

Rejoice! The new and expanded YOU is here!

You are a new Being!

You have been reborn!

You have been reinvented!

Rejoice and embrace life and life more abundantly!

Judith Kusel
