lunes, junio 29, 2020
Denise Le Fay - Presently I Just. Don’t. Care - June 29, 2020
Throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process—1998–1999 thru end of December 2019—we had to leave behind most if not all of our family members, adult children, friends, husband/wife/mate in many cases, basically everyone and everything to live and embody the Phase 1 Ascension Process as Volunteer First Everythingers. With the start of Phase 2 of the Ascension Process in January 2020, many Volunteers have been discovering we’re now having to do the same thing again but with most if not all ascension teachers/writers/lectures and people in the ascension and conspiracy communities and more.
So far in 2020 next to nothing and no one has interested me whatsoever and ascension teachers/writers are at the top of that list.
In case some of you are thinking how disrespectful that comment sounds, I was momentarily disappointed when Phase 2 started in January 2020 and the majority in the ascension community continued on like nothing had changed at all. From my January 1, 2020 perspective everything changed dramatically and completely and I was surprised that certain others weren’t registering that stupendous shift into what I’ve been calling Phase 2 of the Ascension Process. I got over it just as you have. I also know many of you reading this have felt this way for a good while before Phase 2 started about them plus most of your, our old favorite authors too. At first it’s hard to realize that you’ve grown beyond them because you benefited from them in years and decades past, however, forge ahead alone and in your own way you must. You can blame these 2020 feelings and growing self-dependence on Phase 2 and your greater Embodiment Process. First Everythingers in this too. Do not misinterpret your expanding sovereignty. Own, trust, use and rely on your growing, expanding NEW you and Higher Awareness. Ascension guru surfing is over. Be your own everything because you and Source got this, you just need to realize that in Phase 2 and act on it.
This Phase 2 Embodier shift level was so concentrated and abrupt in me starting January 1, 2020 that it surprised me. Before this I had some teeny sense of belonging to a very small Phase 1 Ascension Process group of incarnate Volunteers. Not many but at least some back then. With the start of 2020 that ended and I again found myself alone in NEW territory having to figure it out while living and embodying and Embodying during these first six months in a 2020 ‘world in crisis’, patriarchal collapse, the global pandemic and all the rest. I know there’s a few of you reading this that have felt this tremendous personal inner shift from what your Volunteer life and energetic Work and Mission was throughout Phase 1, to what it abruptly revised into with our physical entrance into Phase 2 in January 2020. I also know many of you haven’t experienced this shift yet, and that many never will, and that is perfect and perfectly okay.
First Everythingers, continue walking forward on your ascension pathpaver Path. Do not stop. Don’t look back at Sodom and Gomorrah Part II tearing itself apart. Don’t watch Rome burning Part II. Don’t linger amidst the current global patriarchal Downfall of Atlantis Part II. Do not wait for anyone or anything because real First Everythinger, humanity needs you, me, we to do what only you, me, we can now so they have a NEW Earth world to enter when they’re able. Let go of your old Phase 1 ascension habits, focus, ascension teachers/writers, friends, forums and communities IF you have honestly grown beyond them. If you have then you already feel and know that your personal ascension path and Work shifted due to Phase 2. Don’t be afraid of or doubtful over your personal mandatory NEW shifts and changes. Don’t be afraid to rely on and trust your own internal HighHeart Higher Awareness to gain insights, answers and higher perceptions about what’s going on personally, collectively and far beyond that.
Everyone eventually HAS to make this evolutionary shift out of old lower addictive, habitual, disempowered total reliance on external sources, ascension teachers, spiritual gurus, religious leaders, governments, all old systems and other people in general. Old lower parasitic reality and behaviors by anyone is over. Old lower reliance on everything and everyone other than yourself is over. This is where everyone is in 2020 Phase 2 — mandatory change from what has been into what is becoming internally in individuals and in external world reality. When people’s consciousness evolves, external physical reality automatically rapidly follows. From Volunteers to the unaware human masses, everyone entered Phase 2 in January 2020 and everyone has had to make many changes in multiple ways since then. This will continue so get used to it. Get used to being a reality gypsy while more and more of humanity finally rather quickly moves from old lower to NEW higher levels and frequencies repeatedly throughout this shift. They’re now climbing the evolutionary ascension energy stair-steps which frees the Volunteers and first to Embody up to do the NEW higher things we’re now supposed to.
Old everything was external, NEW everything is internal and the First Everythingers Embodying have been living this and increasingly discovering this is fact. Reaching a certain level within the Embodiment Process means one increasingly finds that they individually are now responsible for their own daily energy supply, their own energetic sovereignty, and increasingly their own personal reality. When that level is reached you quickly understand why Angelics and very advanced ETs and other highly evolved Others never waste energies on silly crap of any sort for any reason. When it’s your own personal divine Source life-force food and fuel that you are entirely responsible for and with, you don’t get stupid with it, you don’t get wasteful with it, you don’t get careless with it and you don’t give it away to anyone for any reason. This is another aspect of becoming increasingly individually sovereign energetically. Think of this as adult spirituality on an energetic level. It instantly changes your focus and knowing about a lot of things, especially on the physical level in Phase 2.
During Phase 1 of the Ascension Process groups of like-others were important, helpful and needed. During Phase 2 this has very much not been the case. Just the opposite in fact and this huge distinction and shift is extremely important on multiple levels for multiple reasons. In Phase 2 individuals are NEW “groups” unto themselves. This isn’t as mystical, confusing or lonely as it may seem at first. At lower levels of energy, consciousness, ability and development the incarnate ascension Volunteers benefited in different ways from being in these ascension groups online and/or physically during Phase 1 but that changed in January 2020 for many of them. Not all of them but many Embodying first in Phase 2.
As I said in multiple articles in the first-half of 2020, Source presented an unexpected mandatory Cease and Desist Order in January 2020 and it was not just for or about the COVID-19 pandemic and mass humanity. It was also directed at every ascension Volunteer and every ascension teacher/writer/lecturer. The ascension Volunteers have not been exempt from that divine Cease and Desist Order because we were and are needed to make big personal, individual physical-level changes in ourselves and our Volunteer lives in Phase 2. Humans are creatures of habit and that includes Volunteers in human bodies. Know when to shift your personal individual ascension gears, focus, Work and abilities fellow Volunteers, First Everythingers, Starseeds, Pathpavers, Wayshowers.
Humans—this includes Volunteers—have been and will continue to be purposely physically separated from other people for very positive reasons in 2020, and probably into 2021 as well. Trust this because it’s much more than what’s currently known by most and is necessary at this time of ascension shift. Co-mingling has great and immediate consequences in Phase 2 2020 and I’m not talking about just COVID-19! Not everyone is capable of being physically near everyone else at this powerful point in this shift.
Because my body started somewhat acting like it was “sick” in late January 2020, I didn’t leave my house much. No big change here because I haven’t since 1999 for the simple reason that it physically hurt even more every time I left my home, property and higher frequency space to do anything in the lower frequency world. Most Volunteers have lived this way for these reasons. But, by late January 2020 my body was experiencing different symptoms such as occasionally running a low-grade fever and just feeling more “sick” and achy more often. By late February 2020 the pandemic was becoming known worldwide. For me it was a bit confusing in the early months of Phase 2 2020 as to what was ascension energy “sickness” feelings in my body, what were symptoms from the NEW 2018 and 2019 ascension codes being fully physicalized in 2020, and what if anything might be from COVOID-19, and how much was I as a sensitive and empath picking up from global humanity? And, was there any difference with any or all of these?
I know there are lots of people that believe all sorts of things about what this pandemic is and isn’t and who or what caused it and why and so on. Personally I don’t care what other people believe about it. I trust what I personally know and feel internally based on my own Higher Awareness and perceptions and not on anyone or anything else externally.
Due to the first mandatory ‘stay-at-home’ period I, like most of you, went out as little as possible and only for groceries and such. Because of this additional need to remain at home physically, it’s taken me longer to figure some of these strange new things out. Example: Every time since January 2020 that I’ve left my house and/or had close physical contact with anyone (such as the man I hired to remove my old PC and connect and setup my new one in my house), I’ve gotten “sick” for a day or two afterwards. Not pandemic sick but “sick” with a low-grade fever and increased body aches and pains and exhaustion. Every time! At first I blamed this on having to wear a #&^%*@% ‘I can’t breath’ face mask and no doubt some of my feeling more sick, head-achy and dizzy after a face mask wearing trip to the grocery store had/has something to do with mild oxygen deprivation symptoms.
But over these first six months of 2020 and all it’s produced so far (oh yes, there’s much more to come), it’s taken me a bit longer than usual to discern these new Phase 2 things. I’ve perceived many different things about them but this next situation I really wasn’t expecting. I perceived that where the Embodiers currently are within their individual Embodiment Process in Phase 2 is not altogether compatible with or physically and energetically comfortable for most unaware humans. In other words, we who are Embodying first now at these Phase 2 levels are often too much energetically for every lower frequency person, and vice versa, which is why I’ve gotten more “sick” feeling every time after I’ve been around lower vibrating “normal” people.
Clarification — I’m not talking about Team Dark or Portal People with this although Portal People are still in play at this point in the shift but not for much longer. I’m talking specifically about how some of the first to Embody Volunteers are not yet supposed to be in close and extended physical proximity with other humans and vice versa. Evidently at this point within the Separation of Worlds shift, this current Phase 2 2020 overlapping of lower frequency people with certain first Volunteer Embodiers who’ve Embodied enough individually to directly affect physical reality is causing some symptoms and side effects of its own. The old lower and the NEW higher are now close enough in some situations that there’s some mixing of, some overlapping of energies between the two, much like a highly contagious physical virus. 😉 I’m affecting people that come into my personal space—which is much larger than six feet—and they are affecting me. They always have because I’m a sensitive and empath but I sure as heck don’t want to feel what the unaware people are experiencing themselves and/or are worried about experiencing due to the pandemic or anything else. None of us who are natural sensitives and empaths want to feel what COVID-19 feels like even as varied as it is in people. After 22 years of severe ascension symptoms and continual intense energy side effects, I don’t want to feel a drop of anything else that’s not mine in Phase 2. Just being honest about this at this point within my individual, personal Embodiment Process.
I’m certain that the final phase of the Embodiment Process will teach me, will teach every Embodier about all of this and more but for now it’s feeling like there’s energetic overlapping happening around the Separation of Worlds edges that’s normal for what’s currently happening in the physical dimension. It just doesn’t always feel so great in one’s physical body, be they Volunteer or regular human.
For the unaware global human masses Source’s January 2020 mandatory Cease and Desist Order was to FORCE all humans out of what they have been habitually doing and with no conscious awareness at all, thinking, believing, focused on, used to and expecting. What better and faster way than a pandemic to abruptly force mass humanity out of old lower frequency life, consciousness and external physical reality as it has been into this temporary but necessary period of separation from the old and shift into the NEW? For the Volunteers this mandatory Cease and Desist Order was to FORCE all of them out of what they have been habitually doing, Working on, thinking, believing, focused on, used to and expecting throughout Phase 1 into higher frequency Phase 2 of the Ascension Process, and Embodiment Process if they were doing that as well. There are no mistakes here with this pandemic and everything that’s happening and will happen because of it. There had to be something, some major global thing that would force everyone out of the old lower ways, habits and so on into this next higher phase. The profound diversity in global humanity and their radically different levels of current personal individual development and consciousness required an external something that would FORCE a sudden and complete planetary-wide change, and sadly for most humans, the threat of death was the only thing that would slow them down and hopefully shock them out of their continued mindless, unthinking repetitions, actions and very lives lived in the old lowly dying patriarchal reality.
The shift into Phase 2 has in very intense ways brought the Aquarian Age energies into play more physically than ever before. Because every astrological sign and Age has its opposite sign and energies functioning simultaneously, it’s important to think of Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus in direct connection with the sign Leo and its ruling planet the Sun. The two images above are attempts at visually representing the ascended high qualities and energies of Aquarius Galactic Center sourced Diamond frequency Waves in this image, and the three triple Trinity Triality (not old lower frequency Duality) crystalline (Christ, Christic frequency, NOT a person) Diamond Hearts that is Leo and the Sun energies at ascended levels and frequencies.
Two other common qualities of Aquarius and its opposite sign Leo are, Aquarius groups and Leo individuals. At old 3D pre-ascension frequency levels and consciousness Aquarius were groups of people who had similar beliefs, intellectual development, consciousness, focus, intent etc. while old lower Leo energies were very much about human egos, total self focus, lower heart if there was something to be gained by it and so on. In other words, at old pre-ascension levels Aquarian energies were either displayed as groups that all thought the same about whatever (old patriarchal group-think), or the occasional rebellious, often colorful eccentric outsider who lived how they wanted and enjoy being as non-conformist as they could be.
Another aspect I want to focus on again now that we’re halfway through 2020 is transiting Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) being in Taurus (an EARTH sign). Uranus first entered Taurus in May 2018 for a few months but retrograded back into Aries. It re-entered Taurus for the full seven-yearlong transit of that sign in March 2019. Uranus will enter Gemini (an AIR sign) in April 2026.
Briefly, Taurus has had to do with what humans value such as money, property, ability to buy what one wants etc. Taurus has to do with what humans believe holds great monetary value in the current world, what powers, abilities and freedoms money and wealth gives them and so on. These are common old pre-ascension level traits and consciousness connected to Taurus, they are not representative of higher level ascended consciousness humans and humanity. During this Phase 2 Separation of Worlds shift it’s getting increasingly easily seen in more people that what they now find “valuable” and of “value” is shifting, is ascending because they and their consciousness is, and this is only the very first signs of this in some people. This will continue spreading like the energetic, evolutionary wildfire it actually is and we Volunteers will finally breath a great sigh of relief as we increasingly see the “fruits of our labors” on ascending, shifting Earth and in ascending, shifting humans.
The very crude, but again absolutely necessary first steps of this Uranus in Taurus transit at Phase 2 levels is being seen in growing numbers of people as shifting values about other people, other groups (Aquarius) of people. The first ascended NEW Earth Aquarian Age signs of HighHeart consciousness and subsequent external reality manifesting in some unaware people. Let it unfold even though it’s rather crude and infantile at this point. It’s HUGE all things considered.
Another major thing humanity is having to deal with is caused by the pandemic. What do humans value in a pandemic? What do humans now find “valuable”, of “value” during this pandemic? (I can’t help myself so I’ll say it for us all — toilet paper! 😀 ) Yeah, true but what else? How about how many humans are deciding whether or not to wear face masks. How about how some are throwing childish adult tantrums in public over wearing or not wearing face masks? A lot of people are not coping well at all with everything that’s happened so far in these first six months of 2020. This will only increase as more things, issues and changes happen due to the shift out of the old and into the NEW. It’s going to get worse for a while because it’s been very, very dark for a very long time. So long in fact that humanity has forgotten what Light is, what freedom is, what peace is, what living safe, equal and respected is and on and on.
About how humans are having to decide or learn or with the very low frequency self-absorbed people be FORCED to comply so as to not make sick or possibly kill other people? People having to decide if life, possible sickness or death of self and others over-weighs their lowly hedonistic physical desires and addictions. If they want to go outside and play and party because that’s what’s still “valuable” to them then they’re doing it. BTW, lowly hedonistic wants and desires, addictions, lusts, obsessions etc. have always come under the old lowest negative traits of Taurus. Coincidence? Not hardly but evolution time is pushing many people into the present NEW higher frequencies and they are fighting it, resisting it, loudly bitching and complaining about it for all they’re worth. I recommend that people be very mindful of what they want and fight for during this shift Separation of Worlds because it, whatever it is, will carry them right to a world that has it.
How about how old lowly patriarchal monetary greed (more old lowly Taurus traits) is now increasingly seen in all of the lowest people? They don’t care about anyone other than themselves. If people want to hold on to old patriarchal power, wealth, fame etc. they value then they’re doing that even if it puts other people and groups of people at risk of getting sick or dying. The Phase 2 pandemic continues to flush out the very lowest traits like ego, monetary greed, selfishness, continued power over other people and groups of people, intentionally hurting humanity to remain in power, get what they want and so on.
On the other hand, Phase 2 and the pandemic continues to flush out the old lowest negativity, which those who’ve been living the Ascension Process for many years or two or three decades knows means that you HAVE to let go of and fully release that negativity in yourself, whatever it was and how habitual it became for you and yours. For many people this is going to be far more difficult than they currently understand for the simple reason that they’ve never experienced it before. We can want something very much, and it is entirely deserved, but when it finally starts arriving it means that not only did you get what you wanted and needed to be freed from, but now you HAVE to let go of what’s been your only reality and life for decades, for hundreds of years for your ancestors. Getting freed from something means you’ve got a lot of Inner Work to do to release as many times as is necessary for you personally, everything that was your life and reality. It means you’ve GOT to grow up in ways you didn’t even know existed, repeatedly change and take on many new personal responsibilities and more. Welcome to our current compressed evolution. It’s worth the effort and periods of confusion however.
Humanity, and many Volunteers too, are going to be fumbling and stumbling around for a while as they all individually learn how to be free, how to no longer care about, want, lust after or need most of the old “valuables” that were everything to them before. The Uranus in Taurus transit hasn’t even hit full force in the money, financial, monetary areas yet but it is coming and fast now. When that arrives it’s going to FORCE everyone out of where we all have been all of our lives into a nationwide and worldwide period of chaotic transition much more intense than what’s already happened in the first-half of 2020. No fear as this is when we all get freed from the old negative patriarchal need to work for money so we can eat, shower and sleep somewhere and be taxed into carefully maintained poverty. As this chaotic shift plays out keep this in your HighHeart awareness, not that there’s no money or that it’s not coming in as it always did before and in the ways it did. Trust through these ascension shifts out of all the old negativity.
As always there’s much more to say and share but that will continue in Comments.
Thank you all for not losing your shit or your individual higher Way during these last six months. Everyone deserves gold stars and big gratitude hugs for hanging in there and trusting this wild shift process.
June 29, 2020
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2020. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.com and Copyright Notice is included.
Ángeles de Crystal