
domingo, junio 14, 2020

Celia Fenn - We enter a week of powerful energies, with the Solstice on the 20th and the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the 21st. - Junr 14, 2020

We enter a week of powerful energies, with the Solstice on the 20th and the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the 21st.

The Solstice is normally a time of powerful changes and incoming waves of Light/Plasma energy.

But this week will de dominated by the fiery eclipse energy, with the presence of Solar Goddesses like the Egyptian Sekmet and the Japanese Amaterasu bringing the Divine Feminine codes of fiery change to Cancer, which is normally associated with water and flow. At this time, the eclipse brings in the fire "at the edges" to accelerate the changes that are happening on the Planet.

The Solstice, the time of balance, on the 20th will be a time of wildly shifting energies as we strive to find balance as we change seasons and begin then path of summer (north) or winter (south).

As always, the point of balance is within ourselves, and Amaterasu, like Ma'at, was the goddess of balance, refining "karma" and bringing all into balance.

We need to find the balance within our heart and soul.

We need to face all those parts of ourself that are destructive and angry and aggressive, and bring them into balance with the part of us that is creative and loving.

In this week we have to dive deep into our Soul and find that place of meaning and purpose that keeps us on the New Earth timeline with love and joy.

The "alternate earth timeline" of control and AI domination seems to be attempting to take over the Earth right now, but we know that we are on the "New Earth timeline" and we will keep holding the intention and focus for a Higher Consciousness Reality based in the relationship between Spirit, Soul and the Material world.

We are Spirit and Matter, we are Divine Light in Human form, Embodied Soul acting through the Heart.

Together we will journey through this week ion confidence and strength and as a Family of Light.