
viernes, mayo 22, 2020

Sandra Walter - :: Happy New Moon! Brand new energies are HERE :: - May 22, 2020

:: Happy New Moon! Brand new energies are HERE ::

This New Moon launches the Triple-Eclipse stargate opening ... use it wisely! Collective ceremony/honoring/meditation/intention at New Moon peak, 10:39 AM PDT.

The June-July Eclipse Gateway is near, and the consciousness-shifting intensity is palpable. There is New Light-encoded plasma intensifying each day; harmonize with it, co-create with it.

Prepare your internal and external temple; clean your home and consciousness. Fasting or detoxification serves us well; prepare the biolandscape for Embodiment boost of this Gateway.

Use the SO IT IS after your thoughts, comments, and actions to identify what you are fueling with your energy. Our Divine HUman Creator skills are amplified as part of the timeline split. Use them wisely. We are the balance. Practice Unity and Love in all communications.

An affirmation:

***My heart is not diminished by other’s behavior, or even my own. I AM in a steady, Divinely neutral state, aligned with a consistent presence of LoveLight, even in challenging situations. My ability to forgive, and express gratitude are not diminished by the external, or internal world. There is an instantaneous perception of truth, love, goodness. These qualities are obvious, brighter, revealed. Lesser creations and distortions are also obvious, however they have no charge, no influence on my heart.***

In Love, Light and Service,


Because #Ascension