
sábado, mayo 02, 2020

L'Aura Pleiadian - FULL Moon in Scorpio, May 7th, 2020 ~ Monumental SHIFTS - May 2, 2020

This profound intense FULL MOON is in SCORPIO on Thursday May 7th, 2020 at 7:45 am ADT.

A Positive SHIFT is on the table for those who are ready to shift. That is; for those whose memories and hidden fears from past lives have been cleared through pure self love and transformed into the neutrality of the eternal Divine God Self.

All potentials are just that. The frequencies within and held in the BLUEPRINT are part of the readiness to master FORM. Through love.

All frequencies interact with YOUR frequencies which in turn create the perceptions you experience as your REALITY.

Greater self acceptance and love are part of this potential SHIFT. AS you move into your heart with greater acceptance of NOW in the present moment.

This translates into fully accepting WHAT IS NOW ~ with no resistance. With no thought of a future or a past, ONLY NOW.

That is all there is anyway. And as you live as ALL THERE IS NOW ~ you open the only true portal of the heart to your Ascension, your freedom, your mastery and the completion of this your Earth school.

All will be NEW and every moment is. REST in your heart and know true trust in the Divine Plan set out for you in the UNION with the you that has set this plan in motion, through your incarnation here and NOW.

Every FULL MOON brings up the emotional aspects as much as one can handle, to be loved and healed from all THOUGHTS and feelings that are not PURE LOVE.

The FULL Moon opposite Mercury ~ confusion as in the difference between your thoughts and your feelings, will be pronounced in and as much as the discrepancy exists, hidden of otherwise.

The FULL MOON trine Neptune ~ reduces potential inner anxiety will serve for many as a relief from constant analyzing and questioning anything and everything. The mind that is active if accessing these frequencies of relief ~ becomes the opportunity to enter the HEART and therefore present MOMENT with greater ease.

Mercury sextile Neptune ~ will potentially increase sensitivity. Now if someone is in fear, this potentially may help EASE the levels of fear. Also though at a higher level, if there is no anxiety or deep issues of fear to be released, these frequencies may help to open more intuitively to THE HEART, to hear the voice of the SOUL.

These energies will be felt most deeply close to this INTENSE FULL MOON; but also for 2 weeks up until the next New Moon On May 22, 2020.

So pay attention to NOW, let go of ALL resistance. Let go of a time based reality and the past and LIVE for now only. This is the only space one enters the heart fully and masters form through BEING THE ETERNAL God Self.

In this the LOVE we activate you NOW and Now. Forever and always. In ALL That is, in love, Now.

L'Aura Pleiadian