
viernes, mayo 01, 2020

Judith Kusel - We are now truly in the 5D, and with it a massive and intense rebirth for all of us - May 1, 2020

We are now truly in the 5D, and with it a massive and intense rebirth for all of us.

A new and higher form of life and living is being forged into being, and it is accelerating at an enormous pace. We are literally being lifted out of our 3D comfort zones and into a much higher vibratory life and lifestyle. The 3D applications and forms and structures just will not function in the 5D, unless they raise their vibrations to a much higher level.

It is time when you are being stretched to move beyond anything which has been before.

If you do not allow yourself to be stretched, you will not be able to navigate in the 5D, mainly because most of you is still stuck in the 3D and the sluggish existence there. This happens every time you allow the collective fear programming and old 3D structures to pull you back down.

You do not wish to go back through the wormhole into the 3D do you? I do not!

Once one has been stretched and allow the greater rebirth to occur on all levels and constantly work to keep your energy fields crystal clear and clean, and constantly work on all emotional baggage and negative karmic issues to be resolved and dissolved, you will become lighter, brighter, balanced and in greater harmony with all-that-is.

Note, that everyone does this at his or her own pace. Not one single soul is the same, and within the greater circle of life, everyone slots in where they need to slot in, and thus everyone functions within the greater whole.

Yet, note the circle ever spirals up and up and there are many tiers of existence and dimensional states within such a spiraling circle. Each tier is of a much higher vibratory frequency as one evolves up and up and up.

I love the spiral, for it reminds me constantly of the circle and spiral and how all of Creation is constantly evolving. No-thing is ever stagnant. The minute something stagnates it will die, for it is not allowing itself to be revamped, reinvented, reborn.

Yet, there are moments of absolute stillness in life, moments when one needs to be quiet and still, and allow the gestation of the new seed of life to sprout from deep within. These moments of quietude and stillness, just Beingness, allow us to breathe deeply, to connect more profoundly with the Divine, and all that is! These moments are as much as blessing, as when forward thrusts suddenly happen and we are pushed into greater expansion and expanded Beingness!

Embrace this time – for in the next few months, we are going to be pushed into accelerated ascension as never before! This will escalate until 2032 and we need to be able to keep up with the enormous pace.

Yet, know that you are never left alone.

The whole cosmos is gathered here, on galactic and Universal levels now. We are being helped in enormous degrees. All you need do, is ask for help, and if your intentions are pure, it will be given.

We are now being called upon to truly look deep within and allow our heart centers to expand even more, for the ascension goes through the expanded heart, and through the Power of Unconditional Love, for self and others.

Open your heart and soul to ever greater levels of love and being loved, and allow yourself to expand in all directions.

This planet was never made for shrinking violets – it was made for brave and pure souls, who will give it their all to lift humanity through this time and become powerful Beacons of Love, Wisdom and Light for others, and for all forms of life on planetary and galactic levels.

Grow into your greatness and grow into the highest truth of your soul and being. Follow the calling and purpose of your soul – and allow yourself to step ever more fully into the highest possible service to the Divine, with great love!

I have spoken!

Judith Kusel


1 May 2020