
jueves, mayo 14, 2020

Judith Kusel - As the energy upgrades are streaming in at accelerated pace...- May 14, 2020

As the energy upgrades are streaming in at accelerated pace, let us not forget that our physical bodies need to adjust to the immense vibrational frequency changes.

At cellular and DNA levels we are being upgraded, as the old programming at cellular levels is busy disintegrating and being replaced with the new programming for the 5D and 7D.

The planetary ascension thus is rapidly increasing and gaining speed, and thus sojourning every deeper into the 5th and will enter the 6th within a few years.

We cannot afford to lag behind.

Allow the upgrades to integrate with your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

There are immense shifts happening, which are far greater than you can even think of nor imagining right now. This was relayed to me via the Pleiadean High Counsel over the weekend, as Pleiadeans are busy removing the collective fear of humanity.

More than this, know that the portals are opening, towards the creation of a new and higher - indeed an extraordinary new life and life abundantly!

I am very excited about these changes, for it is truly lifting us out of the quagmire and immense density of the 3D and all which held us prisoner in that reality and now freeing us to transcend into a much higher and more balanced state of life, living and Being!

What a Divine Gift!

Judith Kusel
