
martes, abril 21, 2020

Natalia Alba - This is a critical moment in humanity - April 21, 2020

Beloved Ones,

This is a critical moment in humanity, one of deep change, and hence adjustment. However, it is also a moment of awakening, evolution and dissolution of what no longer serves. Above all, this is a time in which humanity must choose whether to continue living in old ways and in old patterns of thoughts, feeding, and fearing, the 3D matrix, or whether to liberate from it, and we can always do so from the inside, by clearing our mental and emotional bodies and embody higher levels of consciousness.

The New Moon in Taurus that we have in a few days is a wonderful one to co-create with its healing frequencies coming from many different planes of existence. It is all about where we are in our journey and with whom we desire to align, that will determine the nature of the healing work we need to do. If one desires to work with the dissolution of mental programs, then the planetary alignments involving this Moon, as it conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, make of it a perfect one to work on shifting from one state of being to a more Illumined one.

If on the contrary what we desire is to work on a more galactic perspective, then we have Taurus essence, which as you know hold one of the most significant star clusters to humanity; Pleiades, to co-create with our galactic family in working on how to create and expand within a new timeline. This is a very important connection to many on Earth, not just for soul family reasons, but due to healing purposes too.

At this time, the New Moon of Taurus is a perfect portal for us to work on two main things: birthing our new soul creations with the assistance of Pleiades, and healing with the power of inner earth, for even though we are not able to go out, the connection to our Mother Earth is always present. There are many who are very connected to the many healing forces and beings from inner Earth. Some powers or allies that can help us at this time to be more grounded, so we can also expand into the stars.

This is a time in which many of us are not able to go out. However, this does not mean we should lose our connection to the elemental/earth realm, for Earth will provide us whether going physically there or not, with the necessary support required for us to clear ourselves, emotionally, physically, mentally, as well as other distortions as the vesica Pisces ones, and keep working on the conscious healing process that we began a long time ago, when we desired to embark on this journey.

When we work on conscious creation, first, in order for our inner visions to become reality, we need to clear mental, emotional and physical distortions. This also includes to clear our second chakra as well as our procreation wounds, for this is very connected to the aspect of us that manifests. This is one of the first steps towards regaining personal freedom, as well as healing ourselves to be able to liberate our inner creator.

I share below an exercise for those who are ready to embrace a new reality and have first worked on healing the many distortions that we have accumulated, especially genetically, throughout the many lifetimes that we have experienced whether in this physical plane, or in any other we consciously have chosen to live in.

At this time, even though humanity seems to be immersed in a very tumultuous situation, there are always many soul creations waiting to be born through us, waiting to emerge into the light of our tangible plane, and be spreaded to All. Surrender not to your fears but to the aspect of you that is yearning for expansion and new creations. Surrender to your creations, dreams and desires, for they are the non-physical aspect of who you are wishing to be represented within a physical realm.

This is a time for choice, one that must be conscious and that shall come from the depths of our being, for what we choose in this moment will determine how our next one will be.

Therefore choose wisely, choose lovingly for All, and above all, choose to remain always in the Illumined Essence of who you truly are.

With love and bright blessings,

Natalia Alba


Artist: Danielle Noel