viernes, abril 03, 2020
Natalia Alba - 444 portal - Apr 3, 2020
Beloved Ones,
Today the frequencies coming from the 444 portal are being strongly felt. As you know, it is not about the numbers but about the unique essence that lies behind them and that radiates to our beloved Planet, at this transitional time, what is truly important. As you are aware, we are within a four universal year and this portal together with the Full Moon in Libra, is going to be a massive influx of stabilizing energies to help bringing harmony within the turmoil that is happening all around the globe.
Focusing on what is happening will not help to seed peace and unconditional love, for the whys and the hows are not important at the moment, only how we can counteract these lower energies, and the presented created situation, with the love that we are. Remaining into our higher hearts, shining our unique Spark, is the only thing that can help in anchoring balance.
What is truly happening can only be known by a Higher Intelligence, as from our human limited view, we can never have the whole meaning of a situation. However, the Universe is infinite love and orchestrates everything in a perfect way for All. Nothing that is happening is out of order, as we envision it from our human minds.
All follows a perfect order within Creation, even though we cannot understand. The difference in timelines is being shown at the moment by the current planetary situation. Do not let it disturb your inner peace. Your mind and outer sources will tell you how wrong all is and how chaotic. However, if you move into your sacred inner space and commune with your Unified Self, it will show you the Truth or part of what we can understand, as humans.
Every soul, has a unique and precious mission, no one leaves this Planet by chance, we all come here with the mission to awake, in any way that we have chosen, the hearts of the people that we deeply touch during our human lives. For some this journey will end sooner, for others it will take longer. A personal mission cannot be judged by our human perspective. We can only understand a glimpse of what is really occurring behind our physical plane.
As a stabilizer, these days are being beyond challenging. However, so is the love I feel in these days, as a sign that humanity is awakening and that all has brought us together. Those who has as a personal mission to stabilize, know that since the human stopped for a while to interfere and to destroy that Earth is regaining balance in its original structures and that the new light frequencies are being anchored, for the New Earth to rise. Earth is breathing. Earth is evolving and for that to occur it was necessary that the man stops, looks inside and let our home planet lives, in peace.
Tomorrow, I will be joining with all of you in deep communion to send love and peace to All. I thank you for remaining in the Illumined Essence of your Soul, at this time, holding a higher vision for the Planet and for all of us, and focusing on the new earth foundations that are being built, rather than in the illusory chaos that seems to reign.
Remember Beloveds, Four is Love. Four are the Pillars that sustain this and any other Universe. Four is the stability and the strong foundations required so anything can grow and expand. By holding this frequency, we work from a heart space, being in a constant flow of giving and receiving, of embracing and letting all go. Four is the Soul Will manifested within our earthly reality, one that is not based on our egoic desires but on the Divine's Will One.
Tomorrow, and always, we have the opportunity to cross a portal, leave behind more of what is impeding us to expand and create a new timeline that we truly desire to experience. We may be physically confined. However, it is from within that we create, that we love and that we illuminate and no one ever can take that away from us. Therefore, shine, live, love and trust that all is heading into a perfect place for All.
I love, light and devotion to All,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Danielle Noel
Ángeles de Crystal