
domingo, abril 26, 2020

Linda Li - Quick update on the Planetary shifts and the final disclosure - April 26, 2020

Dear beloveds, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a quick update on the Planetary shifts and the final disclosure. As you know, we are having the most intense energetic downloads and activations lately. Especially the energetic releasing happening on the planet, and these are the most powerful ones we have experienced so far.

The reason that the planet is going through these intense clearing and activations is because we, as humans, often not realize how important the nature is, and how we Are connected with Mother Earth at cellulite level. We are the Mother Earth. What the planet has, are also in our body. When the planet is going through extreme changes, we too, go through the changes. We are Mother Earth’s extensions if you will, and we share what Mother Earth is going through, both energetically and physically.

Now, there are some light workers who have just awakened and these changes are new to them. I understand why they have confusing over what is happening now. And I hope this post will be helpful for them.

There are also some light workers who are advanced souls. These light workers have been on path for some time. Their spiritual journey are various. Some have very intense awakening process, others may be blessed with a smoother path. Nevertheless, these souls have been being worked on, by the Divine, for quite some time, and now their time has come. The Divine has sent out a call to these light workers. The Divine wants them to heed the call and be prepared for the next mission and phase.

The reason that the Divine has singled out this group of the light workers is because they are the ones who carry an important Divine mission. Collectively, they are the ones that have been picked by the Father for the purpose of establishing the Divine government and next phase of Gaia’s ascension. These souls, individually, are also have a great deal of the work to do in terms of helping their soul groups and soul family members. Their time ahead is going to be very demanding. And that is why the Divine has called them. The Divine wants these souls to be ready when time comes and know that their mission is critical beyond their mind can understand. So listen to thy heart dear ones. Listen to the Divine guidance within. Be prepared and know your Divine mission is coming.

Now, there are also some important light workers who have been on the planet for quite some time. Their Divine mission is closely related to Mother Earth and the planet herself. The planet knows these souls well. And these souls are now needed. The Divine wants these souls to take care of the planet in a way that only these souls know how. They have Gaia’s body coded in their soul body, and Gaia has been training them till now, time has come for their service. Their physical body is deeply connected with Mother Earth and whatever they do and wherever they are, Gaia is with them. Gaia needs these souls to be ready in a moment of notice. Gaia wants these souls to be prepared and know that the planet is going to go through another round of the big shifts, and their participation is wanted. Take care of thy body and be the service Gaia needs you to be dear angels.

Now, let’s talk about the Divine plan for the final disclosure. The final disclosure was designed for the planet and humanity to recognize that Gaia is going through ascension. The planet and humanity need to ascend to the 5th dimension. The current situation the planet is in no longer sustainable. The planet is in such a dire position that we, the Divine need to help the planet to ascend. That is why we, the Divine and the company of heaven is here. Your Father God has incarnated. His human incarnation is the leader during Gaia’s ascension time. He has been designed this whole process and he is now ready to lead the operation of Gaia’s restoration phase.

The reason that we, the Divine want the disclosure to happen is because we, the Divine want to give humanity a heads up. The ascension of the planet is a gigantic undertaking. It requires the entire planet and human race to cooperate. It is a thorough remapping process. The whole planet will be reshuffled. Some regions will be up, others will be down under. The ocean floors are going to be totally rebuilt and the waters will be redirected. That means the whole planet is going to be impacted. Humanity has to reorganize itself. Human race is going to be redistributed throughout the planet. And the entire planet is going to be different once this process is over. That is why the Divine has come. Your Father God has come. He is the one who has the knowledge on how the planet works and how this reset is going to play out. Because of the process and the way the planet was designed, your Father will have to be the leader managing this gigantic project. And the Divine can’t wait for him to start the role.

However, we, the Divine also know that the old patriarchy is still running the show. The old structures are still in place. The old paradigm is still influential in human’s psyche. The Divine cannot force things to happen. There is a rhythm in everything. We need to let nature run the course. That is why we, the Divine have been patiently waiting till the time is right so that the new age can mechanically begin.

However long the wait will be, we, the Divine are going to wait. We know that the old is coming to an end. And the wait is not going to be long. The waiting game is going to be over soon.

I love you dear angels. I am your Mother God. Even though some of the light workers who have been wanting the disclosure happen. I admire your patience and working toward that goal. Just know that there are going to be some bumpy roads ahead in terms of getting the Divine government up and running. Know that there are light workers who have been assigned critical missions and at last minute, they stopped doing their Divine duties. Some have not done their Divine work at all. There are also others who caved in to the pressure and giving up their Divine tasks. As result, we, the Divine have to regroup our light workers and started over again. And, patterns like this keep happening among our light workers. And that contributes a great deal to the delay of the Divine plan.

That being said, your Father has brought the Divine laws here for the future undertakings. One specific law demands all light workers to conduct their Divine mission. No one should stop or give up their Divine duties. This spiritual law requires all souls to serve the Divine and this law has just taken effect lately. Souls who have defied the laws will be facing the Divine and face the consequences. The Divine no longer tolerate the misconducts of any kind. Light workers who have been asked to perform their Divine mission, and the spiritual laws require all light workers to be on their best performance and serve their mission truthfully and dutifully. That is what the laws required.

The last thing I want to mention is that the Divine laws have been carried out by your Father God. He is the one who brought these laws here. These spiritual laws are his tools for the time to come. Study these laws dear ones. They are here for all souls. No exceptions. Spiritual laws are for the spirit, and they are working at Soul level. It is gravely important that you understand them and follow them so that you will be able to conduct your mission smoothly and get your job done before your time here is due. The laws are for the entire planet and human race. So there is no leeway and no exceptions. Take these laws to the heart and stay true to thyself and the Divine. Know it is vital for your soul purpose and it is designed for the planetary ascension and it serves every body. I love you dear ones. I am your Mother God. Go in peace.

Linda Li