
miércoles, abril 22, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - Recently installed spiritual laws - April 22, 2020

Dear beloveds, I would like to share some recently installed spiritual laws with you so you can understand what the Divine requires us from this point on. One of the newly implemented laws is the law of Ascension. It is said that all souls on the planet are required to ascend. The ascension of the planet and all souls on the planet is a universal law now on the planet earth. All sentient beings need to ascend to the 5th dimension, where Gaia is.

Souls on the ascension path will ascend on their own time table. In other words, every one has his or her own ascension timeline. It doesn’t matter what or how you live your life, what you have been doing or pursuing, all will change from now on. The ascension has and will become the focus of all souls. Souls who have already been on the ascension path will be the way showers. Some have been required by the Divine to share the ascension journey on the world stage. Others may do it indirectly, like writing books, have webinars or teaching classes. The way showers have an intense journey ahead. The Divine requires all the ascension journeys to be the main focus for all souls and soul groups, governments, and institutions. All mainstream media will be required to air ascension related items and materials and Ascension related work shops. All countries are going to be informed about ascension related daily news.

Gaia’s ascension is the main reason a lot of souls incarnated at this time. The planet needs the ascension and so do the souls on the planet. Ascension of the planet needs the cooperation of all, and that is why the Divine has brought the law of ascension here at this moment. We need a law to enhance the ascension process and enhance the ascension effort every soul needs in order to ascend peacefully.

Ascension has gotten to the point where all souls have awakened. Some have noticed the planetary ascension, others are still in the dark. Nevertheless, that means the ascension related materials and teachings are needed for the public.

The Divine has asked all our light workers to participate in the upcoming effort of teaching about the ascension and ascension process. Each and every one of the light workers is required, by the law, to participate in the teaching activities. Some are more prominent than others. Some will have the world stage. Others may teach locally. It is a collective effort and it requires all of the light workers to contribute their talents and share their experiences.

The Divine has also formed a team of Gaia’s ascension experts. The purpose of the team is to inform the planet about the ascension on the technical side. Some may have to travel, others will televise their expertise frequently. All of the team members will be hand picked by the Divine and the company of heaven. The members who have been picked will be notified in the near future.

Now, How and when will all of this affect your timeline? Your Father has the control. He is the one who will give the order. Once the order is given, our light workers are going to start their share of the ascension work, either you share by example or teach of the Divine knowledge. All are required to contribute and it is the law now. Be prepared dear ones. It is time.

I love you dear angels. I am your Mother Divine.

So it is.

Linda Li