
viernes, abril 17, 2020

L'Aura Pleiadian - "The Birthing Pains of The New Divine Humanity" - April 17, 2020

So many shocking events are taking place and this is the beginning only.

The death and rebirth of humanity is under way. The grief is real.

So many are wondering this and that, trying to guess what will take place, or hope this or that does not.

BEYOND all of that is the MOMENT.

What is NOW.

Most certainly the moment of now does lead to the next now moment.

Yet all of this is unprecedented and the rules of HOW things are or will BE are going out the window. AS No one can control anything.

The relinquishing of entitlement to KNOW, to plan, is the release of the future Monster ~ that has nothing to do with now, and serves only to replace the heart with a sense of reliance on time and structure.

The structure is falling down. Rightly so. As before the NEW the old always dies away.

The Phenix rises from the ashes. The pain of labor then the birth. So also the birthing pains of the New Divine Humanity are being felt by all.

As the old falls away. As we witness those attempting to hold on to what was. This only makes the pain more intense.

Relaxing, going into your heart. Trusting NOW is sufficient. Letting go of any worry or fear through the heart, is the VICTORY of The Divine Human. That allows all to flow through as the eternal STATE of BEING in the purest form.

Let go of the how. OF the when, of time. recognize your own restructuring and let go of how it was. This will help you to stay present to NOW and that always and only takes place through the heart.

So let us enter our heart more deeply as the birthing of the NEW Humanity, continues, through LOVE.


L'Aura Pleiadian