
martes, abril 14, 2020

Judith Kusel - Free spirits can never be bound - April 14, 2020

They find delight in the simplest things in life, and all which life brings in such abundant profusion:

The beauty of the blossoming flower..

The smile on the face of a Beloved...

The blue sky above...

The sound of waters gently lapping on the shore, or the sound of breaking surf...

The feel of the green grass or sand or earth under their bare feet...

They know how to turn their face, ever to the sun as a Sun Flower does, and to find delight in each new day, for each new day brings the gift of exploring new realms, which are not only the earthly ones.

Free spirits love music, and they know that the deepest of all soul's expression, are when they break out in song just for the sheer joy, or the deepest longing to express what is there in their soul, just as easily as they find joy in the smallest, simplest of all that life gifts in such profusion.

Free spirits are not held by convention - nor tradition - nor anything or anyone. They rise above it, and they gain the bird's eyeview, where they see the bigger picture. It allows them to roam and explore beyond the norm, and to know that when one flies free, one cannot be bound. For the soul can soar and fly and explore, beyond any physical limitation, beyond anything the world may offer.

Free spirits ever seek the truth, and they recognize truth, for it resonates deeply within their soul.

Free spirits need time alone, where they can connect deeply with their own soul and the Divine, for they find the greatest Aha! Moments, the greatest guidance, wisdom and truth, by sitting at the feet of the Great Master, the Divine Source, and allowing themselves to drink from the eternal fountains of Love, Light and Wisdom which never cease to be, and are there, available, ad infinitum.

Therefore they serve in their uniqueness, the unique visions and they are the visionaries who lead humankind into the New Golden Age, because they have the ability to soar and to fly like like an eagle and to know things and foresee things other cannot foresee nor know of, because they are not caught in the Maya, the Illusion, and trapped in the physical illusions man spins.

Free spirits, know there is more to life than meets the eye, and thus they do not take physical life so seriously. They know their soul is infinite, and it can journey anywhere, through star systems and galaxies, and beyond the beyond, and when they leave this physical form and existence behind, their soul ever journeys on - ad infinitum.

Free spirits, are not afraid to speak the truth - to be otherwise, to be unconventional nor freak others out. Yet, they are love in being and action, and because they are different, and dare to be different, they so often break through the norm and find ever new ways of life and living, and being. Hence others follow them, for they are drawn to their light and lightness of being, their love, their free spirit and their inner radiance.

For in truth, free spirits ever find their way home, to their own deepest soul core, the greatest truth within, and they always find their true north and thus, they find that love is there within them,as is all the knowledge, all the light and wisdom they need, for they are deeply connected to All-That-Is under the Great Central Suns, and they stand fully and powerful in their true daughter-and-son-ship of the Divine.

Judith Kusel
